Plenty of time. Your water isnt whats cycled, its the bio-balls and live rock. Treat them as if they were livestock, 'cause they are. You dont need all your water. Put the LR and bio-balls in 1 container of tank water, and the fish and verts in a seperate 1. Both containers need airstones. Fill up your buckets with tank water. Syphon out the tank, DO NOT TIP IT TO GET THE WATER TO RUN TO THE END WITH THE HOSE this is how seals come loose. Make sure your livestock is aerated, warm and covered. Take everything to the new place in 1 trip if you can. Put your substrate, the buckets of water and LR in the tank. If you lay a newspaper on the gravel and pour the water onto that it will stir up less. Dont use a garbage bag because they are treated. Put the bio-balls in the WD and cover them with tank water. Put the heater in the tank but dont plug it in for 20 minutes. Mix up some new water. Put a PH or airstone in the tank and plug in and adjust your heater. Add maybe 20 gallons of the new water when warm and SG is ok. Acclimate your fish and get them in there even if water is still low. IMO with your ammount of livestock they should be ok for at least a day or so. make up whatever water you need to top off. If its gonna be a while before you can crank up the filter, put some more tank water in with the bio-balls.