Need help on building my tank


I am thinking about building around a 500 gallon saltwater fish tank but I cant decide between plexiglass or glass. What would be better and how thick would i need it to be?


Active Member
thats not "wize" . its fiberglass on the inside of plywood. one side is glass. i believe one project is on this site. do a search.


When you say 'plexiglass' you would probably need to instead do acrylic (i dont know the differences, I just know thats what its better known by in this hobby)
and the pros of acrylic are that it can be used to build custom tanks much easier than glass and it is not hard to come by. the cons are that it scratches easily and the scratches are near impossible to get out
the pros of glass are that it does not scratch near as easily and the overall tank is easier to keep clean without damaging it however, it would be harder to get a 500g glass tank than a 500g acrylic
I dont know which is more expensive (probably glass) but I know that tanks that large generally have to be custom built and they usually come acrylic. I'm sure some one less stupid than me will help you out though. WELCOME TO THE BOARDS!!


Well-Known Member
I personally wouldn't do glass for a 500+gallon tank. Lots of weight just in glass. Acrylic is better - IMHO. If you have never worked with acrylic before, I wouldn't build a tank. You should find people that build acrylic tanks and get them to do it. It's a long, complicated process and if you don't already have the tools to do it, it can be very, very expensive.