Need help on Cyano Outbreak

My tank is 10 months old with some fish and corals. Water parameters are excellent. Light buls are 10 months old. I've been feeding Phyto every other day. Been feeding the fish and corals frozen shrimp plus its juice. Not sure if I need to lessen the food because of the excessive nutrient in water or perhaps the pumps are loosing its power thus lessening the flow. Please help. Thanks!!


Active Member
Cut back on the amount of food and how often you feed. You need to be sure you have good water flow throughout the tank and adequate filtration to prevent waste build up ... lighting has nothing to do with cyanobacteria.


Active Member
But, your bulbs are probably getting to the point where they should be changed.

And I'd stop putting the frozen shrimp juice in there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
But, your bulbs are probably getting to the point where they should be changed.

And I'd stop putting the frozen shrimp juice in there.

Thanks guys...
The cyano is red color. Before it was showing in front. NOw, it's all over, at the back and on the sides of the tank.


Lighting has nothing to do with Cyano? Anyone else know if this is true? Phosphate and flow are two big issues....but i thought lighting was too. :notsure:


is it like red slime algea? I have lots of coraline algea all over that is pink and red. How do I tell the differance? Thanks


cyano is like a velvet type of algae that lays on the sand, rock, or glass that will break apart easily if touched. coraline is a very hard algae and will not come loose unless you scrape it. Should be very easy to distinguish between the two.


Originally Posted by nyyanks154
Lighting has nothing to do with Cyano? Anyone else know if this is true? Phosphate and flow are two big issues....but i thought lighting was too. :notsure:
Kill the lights for 48 hours and see how much light has to do with Cyano. While lights may not be the cause, they can help to control it in a pinch.