Need Help On Downsize Tank


Hello i have right now a 76GAL tank and i want to down size to something smaller but i want to know what size tank i can setup with what i got right now.
20" 1x96W Coralife Aqualight CF hood w/ Quad 50/50 -Square Pin
AquaC Remora
Seio 620
10gal sump with prob mag7 return
live stock:
1 - damsel
2 - clown fish
1 - hippo tang
1 - Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish
1 - clearner shrimp
maybe 50-60lbs of rock


You could do a 55 but people will give you crap about the hippo tang and the butterfly. How'd you light a 76gal with 20" of light, did it look ok?


i have a 48" 65w orbit lighting system but i was going to setup a 10 nano but decided i should just try to keep what i got and go smaller


Thanks for all the feedback. i was thinking of tanking down my tank and redoing it with a sump with a mag 9 for a return. also maybe a mag7 in a close loop. i also wanted to ask do you think the lighting is ok. all i really want to keep is like shrums and polyps i have right now for lighting a orbit 48" 65w 2 10k and 2 antics. i also have a AquaC Remora but would i need a better skimmer? and do you think it would be ok with that flow. also here is a pic of what i want to tank to be like. my 75GAL im sry for the typo (76)


Looks good. Sumps are great. What do you mean by 2 10K's and 2 actinics? Does that mean you have 4 total bulbs? Or do you have 2 bulbs with 2 tubes in each?