need help on eels


I have heard and read that you can keep 2 snowflake eels in the same tank. My lfs told me that if I do that they will kill eachother. Any input?


Active Member
your lfs is just doing what it does bad advice. If you but them in the tank at the same time they will be fine


Originally Posted by aspen
I have heard and read that you can keep 2 snowflake eels in the same tank. My lfs told me that if I do that they will kill eachother. Any input?
They should be fine as long as theyare close to the same size...if there is a big size difference, thats where you could run in to problems


Originally Posted by dougai
I also need help
what and how do you feed them
I have a white ghost eel, and he eats froozen silver sides like a little pig! I've tried shrimp, but he wasnt too keen on I stick to the silversides.....when I ge the bag, I spilt it up in to little baggies and put some zoe in tehre for extra vitamins...just an idea


silversides are really cool but at the same time they are very very fatty.... they are good to induce an appetite, but its like giving a dog steak from the table, its not very good to do it all the time.... you know what i meen. Also snowflakes fall under enchida (i think i am saying right lol) family so they like crustations more than anything else, if you look at its face you can see it has a rounder face then lets say a green moray (which has sharp teeth for tearing through flesh and scales). the Snokwflake has the crushing jaws for cracking shells ect. so i would go with some fresh shrimp from a grocery store, also certain parts of squid, and crayfish are really healthy and part of their natural diet. hope i helped

ps make sure none of these are cooked it can makes fish sick sometimes