Need help on leathers before I buy.


My LFS said they would sell me 2 leathers (Devils Hand and unknown) for 15 dollars each because they look like they are dying. One leather has a bluish tint to it and it hanging sideways off a rock like it can't hold itself up. The other is a Yellow Devil hand and its still yellow but has brown like diatoms growing on it. They are under very little lighting. Do you think I can save them? Any advise on this?


If they do not look like they are disintegrating, but just "droopy" I'd give it a chance. But fyi, I've also been know to take in stray puppies and carnival goldfish for my pond.
I'd be concerned if you noticed any deterioration on the tips of the coral.


1 of the 3 pieces is deterioating or at least half of it is and half of it isn't. The Yellow Devil Hand is not deterioating at all just slumping. The blueish one is laying over on its side but no deterioation.
There is a HUGE long tentacle anenome with all of these that may have been stinging them would they recover from this?


The stinging, if not for a prolonged period of time, will more than likely not kill the coral. However, if the anemone has repeatedly stung the coral, it could prove fatal.
I'd pass on the deteriorating leather - the downside is its complete demise in your display tank.
If the others are just closed (droopy), have the LFS move them away from the anemone. In fact, have them put them for a moment in front of a powerhead. If there is leather everywhere, pass. If not, leather is still alive, not happy, but alive.