Need Help On Reef Setup


Ok I am thinking of converting my 75gallon saltwater tank to a reef tank, right now I only have a fluvel 304 canister filter, seaclone 100 protein skimmer, and one power head. Do i need to add more filtration to it, or do i need something completly different and get rid of the fluvel 304. Please Help!


What fish do you have in it? What about lighting? If you have VHO or PC lighting and your Nitrates and Phosphates are low, you can start adding now. As long as your fish are reef safe and your tank is not overpopulated.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
i would add at least one more powerhead. you need about 18x flow for a reef.

What doews 18x flow mean? How do you figure it out on a tank is there an equation??