need help on some plans on a wet/dry


Hey there everyone, I am the handy kind of guy that would like to build my own wet/dry. I have a 65 Gallon salt tank and would like to know the demensions etc. on building one on my own with the help for some people on here. Can anyone help me with this? I would like to have a Protien skimmer in there and whatever else some of you guys and gals suggest. Thanks ***)


Active Member
somewhere under the equipment thread there is one titled wet-dry plans by Luke g. there are photos on there of two members home built wet drys, both working fabulously, and best of all very cheap.


Originally Posted by sleasia
somewhere under the equipment thread there is one titled wet-dry plans by Luke g. there are photos on there of two members home built wet drys, both working fabulously, and best of all very cheap.

I cant find it for some reason!!!!