Need help - One last fish for a 240g Long?


Active Member
My tank is established and doing great, but seems to be missing something. I would like 1 last med sized fish or a school of sm/med sized fish.
Currently all fish are 9" or smaller.
V. Lion
Blond Naso
Queen Angel
Aust Tusk
Yellow Tang
Maroon Clown
Snowflake Moray
In a growout 75g, but soon to be added
Red Coris Wrasse
Brazilian Golden Moray aka Banana Moray
I want 1 more med sized fish (under 10") or a school of fish big enough not to get eaten.
I have thought:
Hippo (Regal) Tang - Too many Ich stories
Atlantic Blue Tang - Mixed bag of stories, mostly bad (disease, death, aggr)
School of large Chromis - Will they be Food
School of Anthias - Too hard to feed
Majestic Angel - Timid for an angel, but not sure how Queen will deal
I need some suggestions/ideas, but here are the guidelines:
1. No Triggers or Puffers - Due to Eels and Lion
2. No fish that grow larger than 10-12"
3. No more yellow fish - Enough with the Blond Naso, Yellow, Queen, and Eel
4. No more Wrasses as 2 is probably enough
5. No specialized feeders or low success fish.
Any ideas...I'm having a heard time. Would like to find a nice blue or green fish.
Anyone? Or Am I all set with what I have?


Have you looked into an Archillies Tang? They are beautiful fish and would be a nice color that is other than yellow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
Have you looked into an Archillies Tang? They are beautiful fish and would be a nice color that is other than yellow.

Yep, extremely unsuccessful fish.
I'm actually thinking Flame Angel, Threadfin Butterfly, Heniculatus BF (spelling)..somehting that is not quite so overbearing.
I might even mix in a few for dither fish, just worry about getting food to them as my others are quite pigs!


Ok, I have yet another idea.. What about a male Watanabe's Angelfish or a pair?


Active Member
I like the Flame for you Harley, it would add some nice color "pop", and the size is good....How big is your Lions mouth though?


Active Member
I'm going to look at a guys 6" Atlantic Blue Tang tomorrow. Not sure if this is too much as they max out at 9".
I would not have to worry about feeding such a tiny mouth or worry about it become a snack for the Lion.
If I decide on it, this WILL be the last fish and might be the first to go if they start getting too large or aggressive.
I would like to add a touch of Blue to the tank. I'll see how he looks tomorrow and how big an adult is as the LFS we are meeting at has a full grown one in a display tang.


you should get a manderine too:):) your tanks big and established so you prolly have enough copepods do you have a fuge
the down side is with such a big tank you might not see him often


I know it's yellow (mostly) but the Foxface is the best fish I have in my tank. Very active and friendly, swims out front the whole day, comes to the glass when I come next to the tank, doesn't bother other fish or corals, plus beautiful looking fish.