NEED HELP! Orange Tree Sponge

Hey guys
I just bought a beautiful tree sponge about a week ago and it looks great. I have one problem. I want to be able to attach it to one of my live rocks but it came to me with a piece of rock already attached. It's hard fo me to properly stand him up in my tank since it does not have a llarge, stable foundation.
Anyone have any thoughts on how I can attach it to a large piece of rock without me damaging it by prying it from the real small piece it came with???


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by tannersmith200
Hey guys
I just bought a beautiful tree sponge about a week ago and it looks great. I have one problem. I want to be able to attach it to one of my live rocks but it came to me with a piece of rock already attached. It's hard fo me to properly stand him up in my tank since it does not have a llarge, stable foundation.
Anyone have any thoughts on how I can attach it to a large piece of rock without me damaging it by prying it from the real small piece it came with???

Glue the piece of rock it is already on on to the larger piece you want it on. I have mine wedged sideways between 2 doesn't have to be straight up, you can even attach it upside down.


Well-Known Member

I hope you knew not to let your sponge touch the air at all....Please tell me you knew that! EVERYTHING you do with it must be underwater!
oh yeah
it has never been exposed to air and I have him in a low lite area.
all is well. I doubt I will use the glueing method as I dont want to risk anymore unnaturall impurities in the water.
I will post pics and a video once I get my battery charger in the mail for my camera.


Well-Known Member

I didn't want to glue mine either...Here is a picture of my orange frilly sponge (although it looks like a fan sponge to me) I wedged it between two rocks in a cave. Maybe you can do something like this...
