Need help!! ph at 7.4


Does anyone use a ph adjuster? My 10 gallon tank is at 7.4 and my tap water is also 7.4 No fish yet in the tank, but I obviously want to get some. Any suggestion?

salty rick

I use Seachem Marine Buffer. It keeps the PH at 8.3. I have found it is inportant to keep the KH at the right level in order to maintain the ph level. Also, LR will help keep the PH stable.


Kh? Trying to remember what that stands for....
In my 10 gallon tank I have 11lbs of lr and 20 lbs of ls.
I am beginning to wonder if it is my test kit. The kit is fairly new, probably 4 months old if that.
I might make a quick trip to the store.

salty rick

KH is the hardness of the water. You should pick up a test kit for KH too. What brand of test kit do you use? I have used Tetra and Aquarium Phamaceuticle's test kits as well as Red Sea. I never liked the Hagen test kits because they seem to always be low on the readings.


Active Member
You should be able to control that with a few small water changes. If it continues to drop than a buffer may need to be used.


My first test kit is by Red Sea. I just got back from the store where I picked up a mini test kit (again by Red Sea). The new test kit showed 7.4 also. I also bought Kent Marine ProBuffer dKH additive. I will see if that helps.
Wamp - not sure how water changes at this point would help if my tap water is also testing at 7.4. I suppose I could go with bottled water or lfs bought water, but I haven't gone that route yet. I might have too with my 10 gallon tank. I was hoping that my 80 gallon tank could supply 1-2 gallons a week for my water changes.
How soon after adding the buffer can I test again?


Active Member
The salt already has a PH buffer in it. When you test your replacment water's ph what is it at?
I have never added any buffer to my tank in the 4 years it has been running. My ph ranges from 8.2 at night and 8.4 in the day.
I am running a calciuum reactor but only receantly added it to the tank.
Are you dripping Kalk to your tank? That can also help buffer the water and can help maintain PH also.


i know that if your salt is low so will your ph be low. when i do a major water change my ph will drop to 8.0 but when i check the salt it is on the low side also, i bing the salt level up and it helps the ph. i do also use a buffer when nessacary. my ph runs right at 8.0 - 8.1 never had any problems. :D


if you want to use a buffer, the kent probuffer dkh is good to use. make sure you get your salt levels right before you add fish, because changing salinity with fish present will cause you problems.


Thanks for all the replies. I will check the salt levels again tonight. The last time I had checked it was about 1.021. I have been topping off with non-salt water which should be ok since salt doesn't evaporate but I will check again (it has probably been a week since I last checked).
I was really trying to get the tank ready by Saturday morning as the lfs is having a 50% off fish sale Saturday. By Saturday, the tank will have been up for 3 weeks. The ammonia and nitrites finally went to zero a couple days ago, but unfortunately my ph is still low. This morning, I checked the ph again and it was a little better, more between 7.4 and 7.6 then it was before (alot closer to 7.4 in color).
How fast does the buffer help to raise ph? Any idea?
I will check the ph and salt level tonight (along with all the other test just to be safe).
Thanks again!


what kind of salt do you use? ive used instant ocean and reef crystals both rais the water to 8.2 ive never tried any other salts so im not sure about them