Need help picking outa new fish. I want colorful,non-shy, will live in a 30g nano.


Active Member
Im trying to put a top 10 list together. It will be the final fish for my dads nano tank.
He wants a colorful fish that will be out and about swimming, not hiding under a rock all the time.
Currently he has 2 small clown's. 1 lawn more blenny. And 1 juvenile Lepord wrasse. They all get along, so something compatible with them.
I kinda like a flame hawkfish.
But would like to hear some other ideas too.
Ill check back later and see what yall came up with.


Wanted to say a sixline, but he will terrorize the leopard. I would look for a cool blenny, or a goby. A royal gramma would do fine in a tank that side. Pretty fish with lots of personality. My watches me, when I watch the tank.


Midas Blenny might be cool I loved mine and swims much like an eel vs most fish so that was cool as well.


Active Member
i considered a bi-color or a midas blenny. i was worried that the lawnmore might...i mean MIGHT pose a teritorial spat. Not too sure though. I might be wrong.


yeah not sure if he would care, the colors are definitely different but same shape and both rock dwellers so you never know?


Active Member
Couple of things here, you do know that the leopard wrasse Macropharyngodon sp./I] will grow to 6" and may not be a good long term inhabitant for the 30 gallon.
Flame hawkfish are not open water type fish and will hang in the rocks for the most part.
If you don't have a lot of coral in the tank, or even if you do and want to take a chance some of the dwarf angels are both beautiful and very active fish. Require some algae to feed on, I make sure mine has an algae sheet to work on daily. I ahve seen some large flame angels that would not be good candidates for a 30 gallon IMO.
Centropyge multicolor/I] Multicolor angelfish.
Centropyge flavicauda/I] Pygmy Yellowtail Angelfish
Centropyge acanthops/I] African Flameback angelfish. (this is the one I have in my 29 biocube and love it.)
Centropyge argi /I] Cherub angelfish
Centropyge fisheri /I] Fisher's angelfish
Oh yeah, the only aggression I have seen so far is for the angel to chase the Chalk Bass I have. No damage or anything but the angel does let the bas know it is around when it sees him. Doesn't make the bass hide or anything though so all is good.


I was going to say Midas Blenny as well, but wasn't sure about the interaction with the lawnmower blenny.
I've had a couple of Pygmy Angels. Both spent most of their time cruising in the rock work. The one that I have now likes to pick on my Purple Firefish and even harasses my Midas Blenny. It is a pretty fish though.
I have a scooter blenny that i like.He hops around the rocks and for the most part is out in the open.Not really on the colorfull side tho

noah's nemo


Originally Posted by spanko
Couple of things here, you do know that the leopard wrasse Macropharyngodon sp./I] will grow to 6" and may not be a good long term inhabitant for the 30 gallon.
Flame hawkfish are not open water type fish and will hang in the rocks for the most part
If you don't have a lot of coral in the tank, or even if you do and want to take a chance some of the dwarf angels are both beautiful and very active fish. Require some algae to feed on, I make sure mine has an algae sheet to work on daily. I ahve seen some large flame angels that would not be good candidates for a 30 gallon IMO.
Centropyge multicolor/I] Multicolor angelfish.
Centropyge flavicauda/I] Pygmy Yellowtail Angelfish
Centropyge acanthops/I] African Flameback angelfish. (this is the one I have in my 29 biocube and love it.)
Centropyge argi /I] Cherub angelfish
Centropyge fisheri /I] Fisher's angelfish
Oh yeah, the only aggression I have seen so far is for the angel to chase the Chalk Bass I have. No damage or anything but the angel does let the bas know it is around when it sees him. Doesn't make the bass hide or anything though so all is good.
Yeah ,but there so cool.I love mine


Active Member
Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
Yeah ,but there so cool.I love mine
No doubt but the OP said "He wants a colorful fish that will be out and about swimming, not hiding under a rock all the time."


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Couple of things here, you do know that the leopard wrasse Macropharyngodon sp./I] will grow to 6" and may not be a good long term inhabitant for the 30 gallon.
Thanks for noticing.I apreciate the sentiment.
I was indeed aware, and I did warn him in advance.
Although I thought it was up to 8" glad to know its 6".
Fortunatly we do have a backp for when he does outgrow his tank(and It will). My 125 will be suitable. Im not really a fish guy, Im more into corals myself. So My 125 wont be overstocked when the time comes to transplant him.
THx everyone.


Active Member
Oh and the anglefish spank....
Indeed corals and angels dont mix. But what about Zoo's? Id like to start givinghim some zoo's.
Also hes got a beautiful Flowerpot. WOW this thing is amazing!(very pretty, lots of activity).
I cant believe someone with such little experience is able to maintain such a vibrant plant. But my dad is a stickler for following rules, and his LPS is doing amazing! He's really proud of it, and he should be! My questions is will that fall prey to an Angel fish?


Active Member
It may. So far my has been perfect. Has not got a taste for any of my coral, SPS LPS or softies. You have to keep them fed well and make sure they have some algae sheets to nibble on. So far this has worked for me, but there is always a chance they will go rouge on ya.
For now I'm just taking my chances.


The only coral that my Pigmy Angel really picks at is my Christmas Tree Rock and with that I'm not sure if he's picking at the Porites or the worms. I usually keep some algae sheets in my veggy clips and I feed a lot.


Royal Gramma: Yellow and then a Fusia type purple
2 Firefish: white and red
Yellow tail damsel :mostly blue
2 clownfish: orange and white
that is my color scheme! My friend said I can fit one more fish in there, I have not decided maybe a Flame Angel because if you see them in real life the RED is cool with the black stripes or a Yellow Tang for its brilliant Yellow.