need help please


Active Member
I plan on getting 2 cleaner shrimp down the road. Will those help? I do have 1 peppermint shrimp now


Active Member
they should help. also look at a sally light foot crab. they do numbers on LR and the sand. my wife liked thats why i have one. dosent really mess with anything in my tank. most people say they might not be reefsafe but no probs here.


Active Member
umm not sure on them. i have a frogspawn, hammer,zoas,button polyps,xenias, 2 anemones, candy cane. shrooms. Also one thing i only feed once ever other day. dont feed ur clean up crew make them work for food. That might be why ur nass snails are not doing there job.


Active Member
Originally Posted by team2jndd
do not get a sand sifter star it will die your tank is way to small
Well to late for that. I got one Saturday as instructed by the oh so smart fellow at the LFS. I do not know if it is alive or not though. As by the time I got home with him 2 of his arms had fallen off.
Littlebuck - your Sally Light foot doesn't bother your corals? I have heard such bad things. I do want the same type corals as you minus the anemone as I do not have the proper lighting for that.
My husband is suppose to pick up 10 more Nass snails on his way home from work. So maybe that will help. I do feed a little extra to my cleaning crew as I don't want my turbos to starve. I know when I hang an algae sheet in there for the blenny (which doesn't touch it by the way) the snail come out of the sand and also the turbos head straight for it. That could definately be the problem.

I had read not to get turbos as they could starve if you don't have enough algae. I read somewhere that you are only suppose to have 1 turbo for a tank my size and of course I have 5 - so I have been trying to give them a little extra.


New Member
We've got a star whose leg fell off too like 4 months ago, he is fine, was told it was something they do for defense. Sort of like a gekkos tail? I've also got an emerald crab, he eats junk, waste and algae off of everything. I have a 29 gallon reef tank. If you've already got hermit crabs and other critters like that you should probably only get one Emerald Crab. They're really cute and funny to watch!


hi there...
My sand in my 12 gallon aquapod is similar looking to yours (rusty brown color). I am hoping that it will go away as my tank is still new and is cycling. Can anyone suggest about how many snails/inverts I should have in this size tank? I do have a protein nano skimmer to help. Thanks.


Active Member
Well my sand is much better. I got 10 more Nass snails and now everything is looking better. I also stopped feeding them extra algae. That was probably MOST of the problem.
I say get like 6 -10 Nass snails
1 or 2 turbos (NOT MEXICAN) - although if they fall over you have to pick them up
3 or 4 hermits
Start there and if you need more then add. Someone else may have another idea.