need help please!!


I recently purchased a 90 gallon aquarium. I am new to saltwater...what kind of filter and protein skimmer would you all recommend?? There are so many kinds out there; its a little overwhelming! :notsure: I am planning on doing FOWLR...what do I need to get started? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks! :joy:


Active Member
you are also going to need lr but since it is a new tank you can get like half lr and half base rock that will save you some $'s you will need 90+lbs and do not use crushed coral use live sand you will want about a 4' in. deep sand bed and you will want to put the lr in first so you won't have an avalanche from burrowing critters the skimmer mentioned has a very high reputation on this site you will want a good test kit and use only ro water but test it anyway and you will want a refractor meter sold on this site for about 50.00 and a good book the conscientous marine aquariust by robert fenner is the bible of saltwater fish keeping anything else the people here will give you the best advice they know but you will here conflicting angles hope that helps :happyfish


Thank you! There is so much more involved in this hobby than with freshwater! I just want to do it right. Thanks for the suggestions! :happyfish


I have a 90 gallon reef, they are great tanks. I use a sump but if you want a FOWLR tank you could get a Coralife super skimmer ( I have the 125 model on mine) they are the best. I also swear by the fluval filters, if cleaned once a month they are great filters. I have fluval filters on my 29 gallon QT and on my 10 gallon frag tank. Aquaclear makes good hang on the back filters, along with marineland. The emperor line from marineland is pretty good. ASM also makes skimmers, I don't know for sure but everyone says they're good too. I hope that helps you a little more. Good Luck and welcome to Salt Water!!! :happyfish


EHEIM Professional II with Thermofilter for Saltwater PRO II SALT CANISTER THERMO FILTER 2126
Would this filter work well in this set up?

If so in a 90 gallon tank would you need the 92 gallon filter or the 150 gallon filter?
What else would I need?
I know about the LS and LR but am more confused with all the chooses of filters, skimmers, lights, biological, chemical, mechanical, ect....
It makes my head spin. HELP!!! Thanks, :happyfish