Need Help Purchasing Damsels!!!!!!!!!!!


I was thinking about getting some damsels(new tank).
I wanted to get:
1- Seargent Major
1- Yellowtail
1- South Sea
Will these be able to survive all together three different types of damsel species? Can I get two of each???? Please help!!!


I was told to use them by my lfs to cycle my tank before I found this website, my cycle is almost done. Should be in a week or two. If you are looking to cycle with damsels, you can have all of mine if you pay shipping. You'll have to wait until my cycle's complete though.


Sergents get really big and mean. Yellow tails are semi-agressive and can sometimes get along in a community tank. Dont know anything about the south sea.


I don't like most damsels.
The only ones i like are clowns and green cromis.
Other that that i wouldn't mess with them.
Kinda ruins the peaceful ocean setting when you see your fish constantly fighting.:)
I had yellowtail,blue,pink damsels before.
All turned into little devils as they grew.


Active Member
If you want a peacful tank then get only clowns yellow tails and chromis. If your gonna do an agressive reef tank then get damsles. I personnaly like the damsles alot of color for such little fish lol.


you should use green cromis to cycle your tank if that's your plan for the damsel. Otherwise damsel are aggressive and mean to other fish you put in later. And a pain to catch.


cycle with shrimp......after while you won't like the damsels...IMO, and they are justa 'bout impossible to catch with out ripping down everything in your tank. I have been 'fishing' for one for two days and I cannot get the little booger and he is mean mean mean.



Originally posted by Snipe
I agree use shrimp to cycle you get "WAY" more amonia and you dont kill anything.

if amonia is the key than why bnot just put in a bunch of amonia to begin with?


Active Member
When you cycle a tank it comes from amonia and there for you need an amonia source "you "HAVE" to cycle all new tanks".
You use shrimp cause it will rott and that is where you get the amonia from. There is no place that I know of you can buy just plain amonia.