Need Help! Question about my 135



Hi guys, This is my first post... i've been doing this salt water thing for a couple months now. I just recently bought a 135 gallon that is 6 feet long. Here is my question,
I have right now in the tank
1. Niger trigger
2. pink tail trigger
3. Purple tang
4. scopas tang
5. sail fin tang
6. blue tang (hippo)
7. emperior Angel fish
8. Dragon wrasse
9. maroon clown
lastly 2 little blue damsels
they're between 1-5 inches right now and i dont want to stunt any of there growth.
Filtration: i have 2 emperior 400's, 1 Seaclone 150 protein skimmer and say between 50-70 pounds of live rock
I plan on getting a nice sump when the fish get alittle bigger
Is this too much fish for this tank? If i had to, i'd dump the damsels and scopas tang... But i would just feel really quilty
Please as many responses as possible. My Lps said i could keep anywhere from 9-11 full size fish without a problem but i just would like to hear what you guys have to say. Seems like you guys know your stuff!


I had one other question, i hope you guys can help me out.... second question... I have a spare 55 gallon i'm not using, could i use that as a sump under the 135? Wouldn't that be cheaper and a better sump? what would i need? I dont know anything about sumps. and would it be possible to run the protein skimmer and emperiors on the 55 as hang on back?
If i had to get rid of a couple fish it would go in this order
scopas tang
dragon wrasse

kart racer

The fish question, sounds like a lot to me but I would wait for more opinions. The 55 would make a good sump. I have a 40 long for a sump under my 125. You would need an overflow to get the water down to the sump and a pump to get it back into the main tank. I dont think you could use HOB filters on the sump. I know I dont have enough water in mine to use them anyway.


If you are doing just a fish only tank with live rock i dont believe you need a protein skimmer. You would just need a sump and a UV steralizer- trust me these come of a great importance because they eliminate all organisms that can make ur fish sick as well as it makes the water crystal clear. Um about the fish i would wait for more opinions but i would say you are over-doing it by a couple fish.

kart racer

I use one on my 125 with only a small picasso trigger and a goldentail morray for now. I personally would use a skimmer with the triggers.


You should use a skimmer with all tanks. It actually REMOVES wastes from the water, a sterilizer is good for the cleansing part. It keep smy fish disease free, thats for sure, but not totally necessary...u can get by without one. Plenty of water flow, live rock and a skimmer will get anyone by (as well as a light of course)


sounds good guys... do you think i should take some fish out and if i do how many?


1. Niger trigger
2. pink tail trigger <
3. Purple tang
4. scopas tang
5. sail fin tang <
6. blue tang (hippo) <
7. emperior Angel fish
8. Dragon wrasse <
9. maroon clown
lastly 2 little blue damsels
Remove those cuz those two tangs get huge, niger triggers stay on the smaller side so keep that one, and dragon wrasses get about a footlong and can be a nuisance (disturb sandbed, eat alot, pesky)
THey arent as cute wen they grow up, get wat i mean? lol The rest should be fine with rpper filtration. Just, wat are the actual dimensions of the tank?


If your not fighting nitrates then more power to you. I wouldn't add any more though. Good luck! Oh, a Niger can get 20". Pink tail 14". Just keep that in mind. I've had my Niger 2 years and he's only grown a couple inches. My huma is about 8" almost full grown which is 10". My emperor is 10". I think he gets 15".


my tank is 72x18x24
It's two inches taller then a 125
I traded in the my scopas tang today for some live rock. now i'm down to 7 fish that will all get to 12" as well as the maroon and 2 damsels.


Active Member
hum.... well broif i where u..ill stick the extra 55 under my main and turn it into a fuge......that would b nice... more wterto play with/harder for water ft go out of wack... and u get too keep all u fish!!! .... stick some fish n fuge and some in the main... just need a lil work but it'll b worth the trouble...wish i had a extra 55 gal to convert into a fuge... but i got to much going on as is.. a 155 bow front w/LR and starting a 90 gal reefer....