Hi guys, This is my first post... i've been doing this salt water thing for a couple months now. I just recently bought a 135 gallon that is 6 feet long. Here is my question,
I have right now in the tank
1. Niger trigger
2. pink tail trigger
3. Purple tang
4. scopas tang
5. sail fin tang
6. blue tang (hippo)
7. emperior Angel fish
8. Dragon wrasse
9. maroon clown
lastly 2 little blue damsels
they're between 1-5 inches right now and i dont want to stunt any of there growth.
Filtration: i have 2 emperior 400's, 1 Seaclone 150 protein skimmer and say between 50-70 pounds of live rock
I plan on getting a nice sump when the fish get alittle bigger
Is this too much fish for this tank? If i had to, i'd dump the damsels and scopas tang... But i would just feel really quilty
Please as many responses as possible. My Lps said i could keep anywhere from 9-11 full size fish without a problem but i just would like to hear what you guys have to say. Seems like you guys know your stuff!
I have right now in the tank
1. Niger trigger
2. pink tail trigger
3. Purple tang
4. scopas tang
5. sail fin tang
6. blue tang (hippo)
7. emperior Angel fish
8. Dragon wrasse
9. maroon clown
lastly 2 little blue damsels
they're between 1-5 inches right now and i dont want to stunt any of there growth.
Filtration: i have 2 emperior 400's, 1 Seaclone 150 protein skimmer and say between 50-70 pounds of live rock
I plan on getting a nice sump when the fish get alittle bigger
Is this too much fish for this tank? If i had to, i'd dump the damsels and scopas tang... But i would just feel really quilty
Please as many responses as possible. My Lps said i could keep anywhere from 9-11 full size fish without a problem but i just would like to hear what you guys have to say. Seems like you guys know your stuff!