
I just got to wild dwarfs yesterday and have them in a make shift setup til 2m when they go to their pico tank.
Right now they are both breathing heavy... because i only have a airstone in there, i'm concerned about lack of oxygen, but also i'm guessing the heat will play a part as well... epleting oxygen... am i right? also i am doing regular water changes to help the ammonia level.
ammonia - .10 (maybe little less)
temp - was 84 now cooling with fan to 80 and then I think it needs to be a 74 but worried about a big temp swing.
salinity - 1.019
please help soon!
I would do a water change asap and use amquel or prime to help with the ammonia....80 degrees is on the VERY high end for dwarfs , so I suggest to lower it slowly to about 75-76 ....thats the temp I keep mine at and there doing the new tank your transfering them fully cycled for the bioload? If not I suggest lots of water changes and prime.


thanks so much for postings back...
I have the water at 76 now...and will prob. leave it there. I've just continued to test for ammonia and will do another water change before bed and maybe one in between now and then. The tank there going in is cycled and of course I plan on testing ammonia alot in that tank too...
concerned about their eating though.. They are wild captured ones and I have a packet of decapped brine eggs in a jar at 80 degrees from yesterday.. nothing more than a jar though as the packet says that all you need. Should be hatching soon from the mentioned 24-36 hours time frame... I also bought baby brine shrimp in frozen form, but i think that'll be a chore teaching them to eat that over life stuff... any other things I could feed them? maybe buy some pods tomm.?


Active Member
dwarfs will not eat frozen - live bbs or pods only. Do a search on threads from Rynka. She is the dwarf person here. I hope she pops in soon, you should try and pm her.
dwarf seahorses [h.zoes ] will only eat freshly hatched baby brine shimp.I brew them every 4 hours...if you need help just pm./ at .0021 to get a good hatch rate
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
dwarfs will not eat frozen - live bbs or pods only. Do a search on threads from Rynka. She is the dwarf person here. I hope she pops in soon, you should try and pm her.
So sorry....eventhough I'm going on my 4th generation of captive bred h.zoes [dwarfs]'s cool it's cool...will never post again about h.zoes I'll keep breeding and keep it to myself,,,,as my h.erectus....


Active Member
Sorry, I had no Idea you were breeding zots. I ment nothing, I just thought Rynka was the only one here that still kept up with them. No reason to get mad. The more help people get the better. I'd love to hear more about your horses.
I guess I;ll just keep quite from now on.
TerereseQ... I'ts cool...I meant;s just that I spent many hours breeding them , and the org kinda disregading them....pent up frustration on a creature we love ....
not only dwarves but .h erectus, h.reidi.. ./.i'm a love them.....all.../h .zoes...h.erectus...h.reidi's./...h.kuda'a....


Active Member
You should start a thread on breeding. I am hoping for another pair after the first of the yr and would love to try my hand at erectus fry.
TQ...I know you love love them as I do....not many people educuate themselvev's about a certain species....I'm sorry if I offended.....I just love horses.....every sorry....I just want to propogate every species in the home forgive me if I got a lil


Don't be offended Cleve.We just think of Rykna when we think of Dwarfs as she post quite a bit about them and their care.
I never knew you had Dwarfs. You should post more often about them as there is few people that have them on this board

I think it is great you breed dwarfs.


still doing what they do... i'm kinda surprised since it wasnt a cycled tank. but it took me doing alot of water changes and using prime. I have the hatchery going as well in a closet that has a light come on with a timer at night, so i dont have to see it when i'm awake. They have actually eaten some non live food. The more recent liquid stuff from nutrition something. i forget the name at the moment. so fingers crossed. i'll get a pic up soon