Need Help....Quick!!!


New Member
My blue damsel has been breathing heavy and its laying in the bottom. I just did a 5% water change and its been in the tank for about a week. I got a water test at my LFS yesterday and he said my water was ok. My other fish is fine. What should I do??!!


Active Member
How long has the tank been setup and what did you test for the other day? hows the rest of your tank? what else is in there with the damsel?
i know this might sound harsh but damsels are not very nice to have once ur tank is matured. They can be quite a bully. maybe this is a blessing in disguise?


Originally Posted by oneradtek
How long has the tank been setup and what did you test for the other day? hows the rest of your tank? what else is in there with the damsel?
i know this might sound harsh but damsels are not very nice to have once ur tank is matured. They can be quite a bully. maybe this is a blessing in disguise?

+1 They think there the boss had 2 they lasted about a week . Had to take them back.