Need help setting up new tank

So i got a sump, uv sterilizer, skimmer, and overflow box.
The overflow box has two drain pipes they go down to the sump there's three chambers in the sump. there's bioballs in the first chamber, then i want to use the second one for a fuge, then the third chamber is where the return pump is. i've also got a pump in the second chamber that goes to the sterilizer, the the protein skimmer and back into the sump. Does that sound like a good order?
I've got it plumbed and everything, but there's a little bit of leakage. Any sugguestions on what to do, the pipes are PVC, can I just use that regular pvc glue from HOme depot?
Also, I've got a 2800 Liter/hour pump as my return pump it's plumbed with a divider that splits; one way goes to the top right and the other way goes to the top left of the tank. i've hooked each side up to the loc-line things, ( i thought they'd look pretty cool). But, there's two problems, the chamber that the return pump is in drains really quickly when i turn the pump on and so the pump starts running only half submerged, would i have better luck running that pump in the main chamber of the sump. And there is hardly ANY pressure coming out of the loc lines. Do i need a stronger pump? please help.


it sounds like your running your sump with too little water.
What size tank is this?
2800lph is only 750gph, split by 2 outlets is only 375 per outlet. Plus your losing some pressure due to head. Your probably only getting somewhere in the mid 200's gph out of each head. Don't know your setup at all, just my thoughts.
Definately need more info on your setup.
I've heard good things about the little giant pumps.


how much is your overflow rated for?
you'll want to try to match that with your return pump.
The return won't be enough for the whole tank probably. You'll have to supplement flow with a closed loop setup or powerheads.
Head is basically the distance from the pump to the returns. It's pressure that the pump has to fight against. So, the further vertically and horizontally the water has to flow the more resistance there will be, therefore more pressure on the pump = less flow.
Hope i said all that correctly.
The little giant 4-MDQX-SC is rated at 1225gph at 3f head and at 1080gph at 6ft.
With your two pipe overflow you could probably use that pump, maybe plumb a tee in with a ballvalve back into your sump to make sure it's not too much for the overflow.
I think thoughs two 1" pipe overflows are rated at 1200gph, i may be wrong.
Anyways, hope that helps a little