need help...sick seahorse


Well-Known Member
I don't know if she's going to come back (I hope so..we need horse members!) but I'm sorry to say she had to euthanize the seahorse. Poor thing was too far gone, and the infection was spreading everywhere despite Furan treatments. It was just her time to go. :-( I told her to keep the diamox, and she's planning on cleaning and possibly re-doing the tank again in the future.


awww thats too bad. i hope she does come back and gives it another try. i was thinking of starting up a seahorse tank but im kinda scared to do it. lol


Well-Known Member
It's really nothing to be scared of. I would say it takes as much planning and research as your average reef tank does, only with different subject matter. I tend to be more attached to the seahorses than I am with other tanks I've had....the horses have personality like you wouldn't believe.


Well-Known Member
No, she doesn't post. She did get the pills I sent (got a PM) but it was too late so she had to euthanize. I encouraged her to keep trying, but I don't know that she ever did.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///t/390825/need-help-sick-seahorse/20#post_3496659
No, she doesn't post. She did get the pills I sent (got a PM) but it was too late so she had to euthanize. I encouraged her to keep trying, but I don't know that she ever did.
That was her only sure was a beauty. She kept it 3 years, I would try again if I managed to keep one that long before having a problem. That's the hard part about sites like this, when they stop posting you just don't know what ever happened to them. I say a little prayer because she has come to mind, and I hope she is doing well.