Need help soon!


Hi All - I have searched high & low for my fishes recent symptoms and cannot make a diagnosis. I have a black percula clown,Harry who is about 5 weeks new in my 55 gal along with 2 chromis and a firefish, who appear fine. The clown has been eating and swimming great and playing with the chromis up until a week ago - he has not been eating and is hovering around a small purple mushroom in the back of the tank a lot. He does appear to have his mouth open a lot, but I cannot deem him to be rapid gilling in comparison to the other 2 fish. He has not gone near the surface in a week. He does appear to have white spots when the lights come on in the morning, but they are always gone by the time I get home - he appears healthy- his appearance does not look as clear as usual though. His excrement is whitish/clear as opposed to firm and yellow as it once was. He also appears to have a bump near his mouth I don't remember seeing before. Am going to check levels again tonight, here are stats as of about 5 days ago... I have a QT cycled and ready to go if needed. I do have a few large aiptasias I noticed in back of tank.. Help?

Amm/trite/trate 0
ph 8.2
temp 78


Active Member
Take a look at the disease pics thread and tell me if it looks like he has ich, or possibly hyper-melanization.


Well, it looks most like Ick, he is covered in white spots in the morning, but they are gone by afternoon... does Ick play hide & seek like this? Not sure what to do- should I just treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic or do hypo - it's hard to diagnose...! Any ideas? Tx! :notsure:


Active Member
If he is covered in spots, I would probably do hypo to kill them. It is most likely either ich or velvet.