i know corals do wierd things but i think im killing them. ive got a 100 gal 80 lbs live rock fluval filter canister and power heads. 2 days ago i added a dyi fuge 10 gal with a skimmer hang on and 5 lbs of live rock. pvc siphoen intake and pvc hooked to a pump for the outtake. next morning corals do not open. bubble is closed as long with all my zoos and button polyps. yellow polyps and anemones and goniporia. all closed. that after noon did a 20 gal water change(just incase) now this morning still closed. water conditions are r.o water (used to run tap but i think i got all that out) phosphates 0 amonia 0 nit 0 salt .024 temp 79 calcium is real high(25+ drops) and ph at 7.9(little low) did i do something wrong using pvc or ? any ideas would be appreciated. thanks