need help--soooo confused


i know corals do wierd things but i think im killing them. ive got a 100 gal 80 lbs live rock fluval filter canister and power heads. 2 days ago i added a dyi fuge 10 gal with a skimmer hang on and 5 lbs of live rock. pvc siphoen intake and pvc hooked to a pump for the outtake. next morning corals do not open. bubble is closed as long with all my zoos and button polyps. yellow polyps and anemones and goniporia. all closed. that after noon did a 20 gal water change(just incase) now this morning still closed. water conditions are r.o water (used to run tap but i think i got all that out) phosphates 0 amonia 0 nit 0 salt .024 temp 79 calcium is real high(25+ drops) and ph at 7.9(little low) did i do something wrong using pvc or ? any ideas would be appreciated. thanks


Active Member
I would do another water change and run some carbon. Sounds like something may have made its way into your tank??

the reef

sounds like you could of had some exess stuff on your pvc pipe did you rinse the pips with hot watter before use.
also do you know if the pipes where cut with any mettle cutters


the pipes were cut with a hack saw. they had to be glued in place so i waited 1 hour. flushed 5 gallons of tank water through the pipes. then let the fuge fill.
snabbles- hair algea is still there, all red slime is gone and most of the dark brown is gone. thanks for your help. i empty 2 collection cups daily.just half stressed on why $200 worth of corals havent opened in 2 days.


you mentioned mettel? im using an all brass float valve to control water flow from the siphon. i was told brass is good as long as no copper or steel or galvinized. is this right??

rainbow aq

No good get the brass off! and do a water change you should be just fine and what kind of glue did you use on the pvc?

the reef

any type of mettle can leach even a small amount of copper I would buy a copper test and put cupisorb in your filter to take out any posible copper


where can you get a copper test kit? my lfs doesnt have any. should i put that coper remover in anyways? my charcoal is a ,month old. when should that be replaced? thanks again


a quick update. copper tested 0. i think i had to have gotten some glue in the water? i put a poly filter and new charcoal and a 20% water change and all corals are reacting. not fully opened today but more than they have been in a few days.

the reef

I would put the copper remover in anyway just to be on the safe side I run cupisorb 24/7
cuz you never know when your ro unit could have copper leak threw it highly unlikly but other things like your hands julry and other stuff could have some so I vote run the copper remover

rainbow aq

I agree with THE REEF...better safe than sorry! Thats good at least your corals are starting to open up!I would do another 20% water change in a week......Also IMO i would do Frequent water changes but take out less water....Its better than doing large water changes 1 time a month....Tanks need water changes and good protein skimmers i dont care what any1 says! that eco system stuff is bull****...even if you have a refugium u still need a good skimmer and water changes..unless your tank is the size of an ocean than maybe it will be logical.
.some people still disagree


update #2. it was copper and lots of it. the lfs tested copper and said no copper in my water. i put a poly filter in my canister yastreday AND THIS MORNI9NG IT WAS BRIGHT BLUE!!! oh ----! blue is copper. so took out the brass float valve and a 30- gal water change. bubble coral and goniporia are bout 1/2 back to normal. zoos and buttoms look dead but not disengrating so i'll leave for now. lost 2 stars and 1 urchin in the process. im looking for an all pvc float valve to start my fuge back up abain. thanks for everyones help. why does copper hurt inverts and not fish?

the reef

Originally Posted by solow11
update #2. it was copper and lots of it. the lfs tested copper and said no copper in my water. i put a poly filter in my canister yastreday AND THIS MORNI9NG IT WAS BRIGHT BLUE!!! oh ----! blue is copper. so took out the brass float valve and a 30- gal water change. bubble coral and goniporia are bout 1/2 back to normal. zoos and buttoms look dead but not disengrating so i'll leave for now. lost 2 stars and 1 urchin in the process. im looking for an all pvc float valve to start my fuge back up abain. thanks for everyones help. why does copper hurt inverts and not fish?
I think is the same as phosphate it clogs their pores where the micro algea needs to grow inside of them and I belive the copper could kill off these micro algeas

the reef

Originally Posted by solow11
update #2. it was copper and lots of it. the lfs tested copper and said no copper in my water. i put a poly filter in my canister yastreday AND THIS MORNI9NG IT WAS BRIGHT BLUE!!! oh ----! blue is copper. so took out the brass float valve and a 30- gal water change. bubble coral and goniporia are bout 1/2 back to normal. zoos and buttoms look dead but not disengrating so i'll leave for now. lost 2 stars and 1 urchin in the process. im looking for an all pvc float valve to start my fuge back up abain. thanks for everyones help. why does copper hurt inverts and not fish?
I would also run the cupisorb maybe 3 bags of it to take out that much copper


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rainbow AQ
No good get the brass off! and do a water change you should be just fine and what kind of glue did you use on the pvc?

What does Brass do? I'm using brass wires to hold power heads on. :scared: If I should remove the brass, what should I use? I don't trust the suction cups anymore.

the reef

Originally Posted by scoobydoo
What does Brass do? I'm using brass wires to hold power heads on. :scared: If I should remove the brass, what should I use? I don't trust the suction cups anymore.
maybe you could run the brass wires threw a airline tubing and make shure no watter will be able to get into the tube
this sounds like a good idea if you still want the brass wires what do you think