Need help- Stock list for a 175 -?



Hey guys ! My 175 is cycling right now. I have a stock list in mind,what do you think-? Anyhelp would be great !
2-Percula Clown
1-Yellow Tang
1-Blue Tang
1-Queen Angel
1-Puffer- Maybe Black,not sure
1-Dwarf Lion
1-Snowflake Eel
And last maybe a shark-? Is it possible-? Thanks !


Active Member
What are the deminsions? If it is simaler to a 180g it is possible to keep a marbled catshark for a year or two but no shark can go in there long term. Plus if you did have a shark then you can't have smaller fish or an angel or a puffer.


Ok. Thanks, so no shark. My tank is 6ft 18 w 29 h. So any other suggestions-?


New Member
are you sure its a 175? i have a tank with the exact same dimensions and its a 150, anyways good luck with your tank.


New Member
Assuming I'm reading dimensions right, that's 72x18x29, or 37584 cubic inches, or 163 gallons. How do you guys like the shape of the tank? Seems like its weirdly long for that height/width, any pics would be awesome. (not intended to derail the thread...)
Queen Angelfish is definitely pretty though


Oops ! I had the Height wrong. Its 32in -H. I have pics in the photo section. So what do you guys think of the list-? Can I add more-? I really want a Queen. Do you think I got a chance of adding an Emperor Angel the same time with the Queen-?
2-Percula Clown
1-Yellow Tang
1-Blue Tang
1-Queen Angel
1-Puffer- Maybe Black,not sure
1-Dwarf Lion
1-Snowflake Eel


Thanks again for the comments ! So does the final list looks good-?
2-Percula Clown
1-Yellow Tang
1-Blue Tang
1-Queen Angel
1- Emperor Angel- will add the same time with the Queen
1-Puffer- Maybe Black,not sure
1-Dwarf Lion
1-Snowflake Eel


Active Member
Originally Posted by GTDAROCK
Oops ! I had the Height wrong. Its 32in -H. I have pics in the photo section. So what do you guys think of the list-? Can I add more-? I really want a Queen. Do you think I got a chance of adding an Emperor Angel the same time with the Queen-?
2-Percula Clown
1-Yellow Tang
1-Blue Tang
1-Queen Angel
1-Puffer- Maybe Black,not sure
1-Dwarf Lion
1-Snowflake Eel
No queen and emporer together as they are some of the more agressive....esp. the queen. Both fish are actually too big for your system as they both get to 18 inches long and your tank is only 18 inches wide. How are they suppose to turn around in there when they are full grown? If you want angels why don't you choose from the medium size like the majestic, scribbled, gold flake, flag fin etc. they only grow to 10 to 12 inches. You could do 2 of these as long as you put them in at the same time. Lesley


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lesleybird
No queen and emporer together as they are some of the more agressive....esp. the queen. Both fish are actually too big for your system as they both get to 18 inches long and your tank is only 18 inches wide. How are they suppose to turn around in there when they are full grown? If you want angels why don't you choose from the medium size like the majestic, scribbled, gold flake, flag fin etc. they only grow to 10 to 12 inches. You could do 2 of these as long as you put them in at the same time. Lesley
They get that size in the wild, not in captivity. I find it highly unlikely they would ever get more than 10 inches in your tank, I would suggest picking only one of the two though. If your tank is 72X18X32 it would be about 180 gallons, 72x18x30 is 170.


Yea, I was going to say the same. So should it work with the two queens-?
Also, is it the final list-? Thanks !


Active Member
No way can you ever put two queens in there they will fight....and contrary to what the last poster said they can grow to 18 inches in captivity if they live longe enough. Even if these larger angels only get to 12 inches instead of 18 it is not nice to keep them in anything less than a 24 inch wide tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lesleybird
No way can you ever put two queens in there they will fight....and contrary to what the last poster said they can grow to 18 inches in captivity if they live longe enough. Even if these larger angels only get to 12 inches instead of 18 it is not nice to keep them in anything less than a 24 inch wide tank.
Lesley is absolutely right that you can't have two queens together, but she is still wrong about the growth of the fish...sorry. Fish will grow in direct proportion to the size of the tank they are in. I also do agree that your angel might be happier in a 24 in wide tank, I think you are fine with one big angel, you might want to try and find Peter or Campbell, they both have 2 "biggish" angels in similar size tanks.


Thanks for the input. I guess I had a typo. I didn't meant - two queens. I was thinking about a queen and a emperor. But as you guys say, it might be to crowded.So I'll just keep one angel


Either way, I think it's a bad idea to have more than one angel per tank... they just don't get along... too much power rangers and not enough barney I guess