NEED HELP!!! Taking care of anemones


Active Member
Hi all,
i've got one medium size green carpet anemone and one medium size tube anemone in my tank. I couldn't find any appropriate information about feeding them and about the required lightning. Another question: are crabs can be harmfull to this spiecies. My live rocks are full of crabs and it's almost impossible to get rid of them.


im not sure about the crabs but carpet anemones need very strong lighting and good water movement and i feed mine silversides a few times a week


Active Member
I've got 3 flouricent tubes, but i never turn them all together because of algae. 10am to 1pm and 8pm to 10pm is 1 lamp only. from 1pm to 8 pm - 2 lamps.


Do you have powerheads in your tank, and are the anomones in the path of the strongest water movement.


Active Member
You definatly want good lighting and water movement for that carpet. And you will not notice anything sudden or drastic in it's death. Poor lighting will just kill it slowly over time. Feed him silversides, there easy and cheap. You tube will be fine. I'v got a couple who eat silversides as well. I only feed them 1 a week.