Need help to ID Anthias


Active Member
Hi all,
i need your help to ID my Anthias. I have 2 of them for about month. Last couple of day i noticed that they started to change a bit. The very end part of the tail has become yellow with a little bit of blue.


Active Member
I don't have my book here but I think thats Bartlett's Fairy Anthias or somthing like that. Ik no one comes up with it I will look it up when I get home.


its a male lyretail anthia. females dont have the elongated dorsal fin and are more orange/yellow in color. if you have 2 males in the tank you might want to get rid of one of them. they can be pretty territorial and will probably end up killing each other. if you get 2 or 3 females for the male they will school in the tank. if the male dies the dominant female will slowly change --- and become the male.HTH.


they also like to be fed frequently. i think its more mental than a physical need for food. i only feed my fish once a day, so the only way to give them frequent feedings without overfeeding is to thaw out a cube of frozen daphnia and let it sit on top of the tank. every few hours i pour a little bit in the tank and they go nuts trying to eat the tiny pieces. the corals love it too.


heres the scientific name:
Lyretail Anthias (Psuedoanthias squamipinnis)


Active Member
im gonna have to second alti's call on the lyretail anthias. i have a pair of bartletts in my 135,and they too like to be fed quite frequently. in the willd they chow mstly on plankton, but feed all day!
good luck


Active Member
may i just add female without getting out one male?
may i have different types of anthias within the same tank?


not sure about having other anthias in the tank, but i think adding females without removing one of the males will make it worse. they will definately fight over the females. mine chased both my firefish out of the tank. i think they just cannot stand to see another fish with the elongated dorsal fin.


Active Member
Alti and others,
thank you very much for your help. I wil leave the situation like it's now, with 2 males, unless i will see any harrasment.
Thanks again.


Definitely Male Lyretail Anthias. I had three males that lived together for almost a year with no problems then two stopped eating and slowly died. I'd recommend only one male and a harem of females. He definitely will feel like a pimp after that! :D


Active Member
barraacuda, you can mix anthias species as long as you have a tank big enough to do so, and hav enough hiding spaces for all. i have the bartletts anthias, and bloodspot anthias, a pair of each in my 135 and they all hang out together and play around! its kinda cool!
good luck