Need help to keep fish from going into filter area of Biocube!!!


I have a baby clownfish that has gone back into the filter area twice in the past week (and I've only had him for a week and a half). Once I found him in the carbon filter compartment (he was pretty traumatized over that ordeal), but today I found him in the grated tray over the bioballs! :scared: Thank goodness he's so small that he was able to stay in the channel that held water!!! I think I was more traumatized than he was over that one!
I need a modification or something to keep him out of the filter area. If anyone has any suggestions or links to other threads addressing this issue, I sure would appreciate it!!

By the way, that fish has earned the name Magellan due to his not-so-excellent navigational skills!

Magellan is the lower one in this picture


Active Member
So if I undertand need to block in the intake grills from the DT to the back compartment, but obviously you can't block them completley or you will stop the flow.
What about putting an old fish net or bridal veil mesh over the intakes? It should keep the fish out but still allow flow in.
The next question is how do you keep the net / mesh in place? I'm thinking you can use the super glue gel and glue the net to the back of the intake (inside the compartment) so when you are done with the net you can just rip it away.
I hope this helps.


No, actually he's going over the top of the divider into the back compartments. If I lower the water level, then the pump compartment doesn't stay at the proper level.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AZReefGirl
No, actually he's going over the top of the divider into the back compartments. If I lower the water level, then the pump compartment doesn't stay at the proper level.
AZ you aren't going to believe it but I just found my 8 month old clown in the drip tray as well. I was just going to write that he is going over the divider because one of my Turbors was there too.
Perplexing...his name also might have to be changed from Shark Bait to Magellan.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bruder
Cut some pre-filter in a half-tube shape and slip it over the lip. Easy fix.
What do you mean by pre-filter? Is it that blue stuff that comes in sheets?
Thanks for your help again Bruder,


I run the water level to where the water just barely goes over the top of the back wall. Enough to keep the scum off the surface but not enough to wash anything over. I have had snails crawl over the wall and a yellow watchman jumped over one time but my clowns stay in the front
This happened to me because the clown likes to sleep up there and when startled jumps over the wall. I was able to lower to lower the water just a bit and it helped. lfs (one that I trust)told me to get a piece of weatherstripping and attach it to the wall then it would seal against top. fish may jump but fall right back into tank. Haven't tried it yet. MBintraining


Just get some eggcrate (light diffuser at HD and Lowes) and cut out a section to make a "fence". That will keep them where they are supposed to be.
Good luck