NEED HELP - Trying to Save Severely Beaten Angelfish Bought From LFS


I went into a LFS today that I stop in every once in a while. I couldn't believe my eyes when I glanced into one of their displays and saw this fish. As you can see from the pics, the fins are shredded, it has ICH, its top fin bones are sticking out from its flesh. Apparently somebody had the bright idea to put this fish in with a Niger Trigger. Following what they found left in the morning, they then put it into a 30 gallon with a huge Tomatoe Clown and about 15 damsels for "rehab". I knew this fish wouldn't make it overnight, so I bought it out of pitty for $5. My question is ... WHERE DO I EVEN START? I have a quarantine, but what should I put in the tank? I'd hypo the tank to get rid of the ich, but I don't think it would even have enough strength to survive that stress. Once I acclimate, I'm going to dose with Melafix. Does anybody have any ideas? I'm not a softie, but I'm really set on saving this fish.



WoW! That is just horrible,I wish I had an idea for you,but I don't.Hopefully someone can help.


I would do what your doing with the melafix and def quarantin it. If its eating make sure you put some good vitamins in with its food. Other then that just time *if it makes it*. Im not well versed on ICH so I cant help you there.


What kind of vitamins should I put in with it? I only have a garlic additive here, so I'll have to pick some up tomorrow.
Originally Posted by SWFein
I would do what your doing with the melafix and def quarantin it. If its eating make sure you put some good vitamins in with its food. Other then that just time *if it makes it*. Im not well versed on ICH so I cant help you there.


Active Member
GVH Garlic/Vitamin Soak has always worked well for me. My clown was on the verge of death just last week... covered in ich. I gave him a 3 minute freshwater bath to get all the ich off and have been feeding him food soaked with this stuff. He didn't eat for a few days, but on the third day, he took a few bites... yesterday, he ate twice as much. He's swimming more regularly, his body looks cleaner... it's really helped him a lot.

crypt keeper

Active Member
zoecon. slecon vitamin C garlic.
Dont be upset if he doesnt make it. Do not dose with copper for the ich. I would try and acclimate him and watch the ICh very closely. This will kill him if it takes over. Start pumping him with Garlic and selcon asap. Get Pgymy angel formula and mysis shrimp. Soak that for about 30 minutes in the garlic and the other in selcon. You want to feed him 3 times a day if possible. You can get the Spectrum Sinking pellets and maybe some spirulina flakes.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
zoecon. slecon vitamin C garlic.
Dont be upset if he doesnt make it. Do not dose with copper for the ich. I would try and acclimate him and watch the ICh very closely. This will kill him if it takes over. Start pumping him with Garlic and selcon asap. Get Pgymy angel formula and mysis shrimp. Soak that for about 30 minutes in the garlic and the other in selcon. You want to feed him 3 times a day if possible. You can get the Spectrum Sinking pellets and maybe some spirulina flakes.



When I bought my maroon clown pair I got them very cheap because they were tore up. Within two weeks they had full fins again. I rotate Vitachem and Zoecon with Marine Supreme from Pro Salt. The moral of the story is that if you keep your fish very healthy then they can bounce back from just about anything. This CB should be fine with a lil TLC.


Active Member
if you can get ahold of live brine, you can gut load them with the selcon and vitachem and the spirulina flakes crumbled very fine. He may eat live before dead.
Poor thing.
Add something for it to hide in like a piece of pvc-keep his water very clean.
You may even try a meth blue bath.


Sorry that I do not have any advice to offer, but Kudos for having the heart to take on this fish.
I have never seen a fish beaten this bad, and still alive.
I hope it works out, but if it does not, you have my respect for trying.