Need help upgrading to larger tank


New Member
I want to swap a 46 gal bow front FOWLR tank to a 100 gal reef ready tank, which will require me to move the 46 gal tank first so I can put the 100 gal tank in the same location. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to this with as little stress on fish and corals as possible?
46 gal Bow front tank (cannister filter, Skimmer, PC light):
100 lbs of live rock
40 lbs live sand
7 fish (Yellow Tang, Regal Tang, Flame Angel, Black Sailfin Blenny, Yellow Clown Goby, Royal Gamma, Firefish)
10 corals (leathers, polyps, zoos, mushrooms)
Iinvertebrates (40 crabs, 20 snails, Bristle Star)
100 gal tank (40 sump/refugium, protien skimmer, MH light)
80 ilbs new live sand
50 additional lbs of cylced live rock
I would appreciate any help.


I just did this about 5 weeks ago. First off you need some big rubber tubs I used 2 40 gallon and 2 20 gals. You need at least 2 extra heaters. Prior to the move start doing water changes and putting it in one of the tubs,later on divide it between the 2 20s and make up the rest with fresh mix,make sure you have a heater and pump for circulation in each tub. The night before the move you should have 2 tubs at proper temp with circulation in each,one for corals one for fish. In the morning start pumping water into a 40 with a heater and powerhead and you can start putting your rock into it,pulling corals for the one tub as you go. when the water gets low enough you should be able to start catching fish and putting in second tub. One all of the water is removed you lift one end of the stand,you can get these little disks at the hardware that have felt on one side slide them under the stand on both ends and the stand will slide like its on ice if you have a smooth floor. If carpet I believe a piece of linoleum slid under the tank would accomplish the same thing. At this point you can put the new tank in place and get it all plumbed. Your creatures should all be happy in their respective tubs. I moved my old sand into the new tank and covered it with fresh sand though others will advise new sand Ive done this several times and never had a problem. The toughest part is getting enough water into the tank and at the proper temp that you can start putting your fish back in,I wound up using 30 gallons of fresh mixed which took a while to get to temp but no hurry the fish and corals will be fine. I also had to fill my sump and wound up using almost all of the water anyway. Have a plan and some extra hands and everything should go smooth. Make sure you have enough heaters,beg borrow or steal some they are the weakest link,good luck.


New Member
You idea sounds good. I'm going to get my tubs, heaters, and powerheads today and do my first water change. thanks again.


Just my two cents, make sure that you don't place your tubs around your tank so you cant get your old tank out or your new one in.....from experience.


New Member
Well, I upgraded to the 100 gallon tank and everybody looks happy. I did a 10 gal water change on my 46 gallon tank for five days saving the water. Then when I changed tanks, I took out about twenty-five gallons on water, the corals, live rock, and the fish. took my 100 lbs of live rock plus 50 lbs of new live rock and aquascape the new tank.Transfer most of my old live sand and another 80 lbs of live sand to the tank and another 20 lbs in the refugium. Added my 75 gals of water I accumlated plus another 20 - 25 gals of new water. With the help of some friends it took about 3 hours. thanks for your help.