Need Help W/Cutting holes in aquariums



I am going to be starting two 180g tanks in the very near future. I already have the tanks and was wondering if anybody out there knows how to cut holes in the bottom of the tanks for my plumbing? The tanks are both going in my wall and I want to keep all the plumbing hidden. The tanks will be able to be viewed from the front and back and the sides will be inaccessable. This is why I need to cut or drill the wholes. Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks.


New Member
Pretty sure that those tanks would have tempered glass bottoms. I don't know of anyway to drill tempered glass.


Ihave contacted several producers of aquariums, most if not all bottoms are tempered. Once the warning lable is removed there is no way to tell if its tempered or not. We run into this a good bit with used tanks. The odds of it not being temperd are very slim. I don't know of a way to drill tempered glass. Sorry


Active Member
Tempered glass can not be drilled ever. Holes have to be cut before tempering. This is one of the benefits of using/buying acrylic.


don't drill tempered glass. it will surely break. I would drill the side of the tank near the bottom.