Need help w/ fish ID please


I am being given this SW fish and would appreciate any help with identification. The owner of the tank doesn't know what it is (ex-wife bought it). Although not clear in pic it is bright yellow on top of head, light yellow body with grey/black spots. If a clue, it is in a tank with what was described as a pink puffer (can't get pic of it yet).
Thanks or any help,


Thanks for the information. Yes it is SW, I had the salinity of the tank checked, it is currently at 1.026. The previous tank owner suggested 1.027-1.03 which sounded way high to me but I have only been in this hobby for about 4 months so I have been trying to research more about the levels he suggested. Must be a hardy fish because he had ignored the tank before giving it away to my in-laws.


I have one just like it in freshwater...I think it is a Spotted or Leopard Pufferfish get about 6" long likes meats etc.