Need help w/ Marron Clown


My Marron Clown began to get skinny and now he won't get in the Red anemone That he has been in for 8 months . B4 he would eat allot and now he isn't eating, he just swims around about 3" from the top of the water.. Around the time he started this I added 5 Pepermint shrimp and a Coral Beauty and they are doing fine.. Water tests perfect.. Ph is a little high :help:


Active Member
What are your water parameters? Water changes, and how old is the tank. Top of the tank smimming can be a sign of not getting enough oxygen. How much turn over do you have in your tank?


My canister filter is rated at 315 gph and my power head is rated at 200 gph.I also have a protein skimmer but i'm not sure what it turns. I do a 15 gal. water change every 3 weeks. The tank has been up and running for over a year 1/2. My ph has spiked to 8.7 but everything else reads ok.. Everything else in the tank is doing fine. It seems like the Anemone won' let the clown back in.. Do you think this has anything to do with me feeding the Anemone every night?


Active Member
Have you checked your Alk and Ca readings? PH is close in hand with those two readings and could give you your answer. I would not feed the anemone every night, every 3 days if plenty.