Need Help w/ stock list.. 37 gal.


I just added a pretty good sized clean up crew to my 37 gal today. Im going to start to add fish in about a week and wanted to see if you guys could help.
Its going to be a reef tank, so reef and invert safe is a must.
I am thinking 4 or possibly 5 fish will fit in the tank.
This is what im thinking:
2 x Percula Clown
I dont really know what other fish to add. I would really like a wrase.. but not anthing too big.
What fish do you guys like... or what do you think would be a good stocklist.


Active Member
You could try a six-line wrasse. I also tend to recommend psuedochromises, though I don't know how well they get along with wrasses. The green reef chromis is also a nice fish. I have four fish in my 29 gallon, so you could probably get away with 5 in a 37 without any problems.


I am trying to stick away from the damsels or chromis... Just to get something a little more interesting.. I dont know if I like the look of a sixline.... and I have pepperment shrimp so he might try to eat them... Is this correct?
I guess I am just too picky.


I really like the Splendid Dottyback. Seems like it would do well in my tank...
The splendid dottyback seems to be pretty easy to keep and feed.
so as of now....
2 Percula Clowns
1 Splendid Dottyback
What else would you guys recommend?


Active Member
Any particular reason you want to stay away from a chromis, other than not thinking they're "interesting" enough?


If I were to get chromis I would want to get three or more to school... Since I have a smaller tank I want a more variety in fish.. not just 2 percs and 3 chromis. Dont get me wrong.... I have nothing against them. I would just want to put them in a bigger tank.. if / when I upgrage.


I bought a sixline about 3 weeks ago. It was recommended to me a while back on this site, and like you, looking at pictures, I wasn't sure if I liked it. But then I saw her at the lfs...beautiful colors :happyfish ! Very active, too. I'm really glad I brought her home. At first she was somewhat shy, but now when I go to the tank, she comes to the front and moves her little mouth like she's talking! Too funny! :cheer:


Active Member
Originally Posted by MeleeRock
If I were to get chromis I would want to get three or more to school... Since I have a smaller tank I want a more variety in fish.. not just 2 percs and 3 chromis. Dont get me wrong.... I have nothing against them. I would just want to put them in a bigger tank.. if / when I upgrage.
I understand wanting them to school, but they do fine on their own, too. I have one in my tank.


Originally Posted by MeleeRock
I dont know if I like the look of a sixline.... and I have pepperment shrimp so he might try to eat them... Is this correct?
I guess I am just too picky.
Nothing wrong with being picky. These things involve alot of work so you should get what you want from it. I too am working on a 37 gallon and have finally worked up a stocklist. The Sixline Wrasse is a smaller wrasse that does not typically feed on shrimp. Instead they'll eat what you feed them plus nuisance worms in your tank. The picture on here doesn't quite do it justice either. Very vibrant coloring and a good personality.
My list:
2 perc clowns
1 Royal Gramma or Purpleback Dotty - they look similar just have to research the general personality of each fish a little more
1 Watchman Goby
and once I'm sure the tank can handle more than 4 fish I will likely introduce a dwarf Flame Angel or if I decide to stick with a smaller, safer fish the Sixline Wrasse.
As far as a cleaning crew I'll probably just go with
1 Cleaner Shriimp
1 Fire Shrimp
2 Peppermint Shrimp
5 Turbo Snails
and 5 Scarlet Hermits


I got my cleanup crew yesterday after I posted this thread..
5 pep. shrimp for aptasia (also got JoesJuce if they are too lazy)
25 hermits
25 turbo snails
10 nassarious snails
1 emerald crab.. (want to get at least 1 more)
and lots of empty hermit and snail shells.
Still undecided on my stock list...


Alright... I think I am close to my final stock list.. This is what I am thinking:
2 Percula Clown
1 Sixline Wrasse (might as well give it a try)
1 Blackcap Basslet or Royal Gramma (undecided)
1 Diamond Goby
What do you guys think? Fish seem to do ok with each other, corals, and inverts?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MeleeRock
Alright... I think I am close to my final stock list.. This is what I am thinking:
2 Percula Clown
1 Sixline Wrasse (might as well give it a try)
1 Blackcap Basslet or Royal Gramma (undecided)
1 Diamond Goby
What do you guys think? Fish seem to do ok with each other, corals, and inverts?
I don't know how well the wrasse, basslets and goby will mix. My bicolor psuedochromis really didn't like the firefish goby I tried to add.


Just learning myself, but I don't see a problem. The sixline, goby, and basslets are all identified as peaceful. The psuedochromis, however, I think is kinda pushy. That may be why he coped an attitude with the firefish! Too bossy!


If you get a sixline wrasse add him last they get aggresive with anything you try to add later.They are also iffy with snails and shrimp.Good luck.


I heard that sixlines tend to stay away from shrimp and clams unlike other wrasses. Anyone have a problem with their sixline and cleaners?


Just remember your tank is small and wrasse's are very active,always looking for food. I had a fourline in a 125 gal. that was suppose to be reef safe and he ate all my hermit crab,snails and peppermint shrimp.

d0 thy d3w

u should get a black and white clown..theyre cost like 2-3times as much as the normal ones...but they look pretty freakin cool!


I think I am just not gunna go with the sixline. I dont wanna risk it... And I think 5 fish might be a little too much.