Need help with Anemone--LTA


I had an LTA with an african clown doing fine for the first 2-3 weeks in my tank. I decided to move a branch piece of LR to get a better view and since then the LTA has slowly moved closer to the bottom of the tank and has shriveled. To make matters worse one day I forgot to keep the AC on and my tank got up to 84 deg. from a normal max of 80 deg. I barely saw him on the bottom and he was unattatched, so I picked him up and moved him back to his original spot and moved the branch piece back. He started to look a little better and then I looked over and he was unattatched again on the sand bed. He doesn't seem to want to attatch anywhere and it seems dangerous to him to have him floating..... Any ideas? Is this bad that he wont attatch??? :help:


Every once in a while, mine would unattach itself and drift around. It was kinda cool that he could determine where he wanted to live. That is until he determined he wanted to live in the powerhead. He doesn't live at all anymore. If yours is floating around, keep and eye on any intakes. What kind of lights do you have?


I have a 4x54W T-5 fixture on a 55. My parameters are very good. trites, trates, and ammonia all 0. PH-8.3 dKH-8, Calcium- 380, no phosphates... Salinity- 1.024


He doesn't look to good. His tentacles are shrunk very thin and he looks kind of puffy in the middle with his mouth totally in view....
I don't think he has eaten anything since I got him, should I try and feed him a piece of squid??? Any ideas???


Water change is a good place to start. Even if your levels are great. I have a buble tip that hides for months and then just shows up in the front again. I think my MH is too much for it most of the time but the cleaner fresher the water the more I see it. Also have a GCA which always responds well to new water. Moving a single piece of LR sould not be such a big deal, but my clowns will not host anything (save the gonoporia one killed) so, try try again.


Originally Posted by bach
Water change is a good place to start. Even if your levels are great. I have a buble tip that hides for months and then just shows up in the front again. I think my MH is too much for it most of the time but the cleaner fresher the water the more I see it. Also have a GCA which always responds well to new water. Moving a single piece of LR sould not be such a big deal, but my clowns will not host anything (save the gonoporia one killed) so, try try again.
I did a water change a week ago..... The poor clown is next to the anemone begging for it to expand.


Are you using an A/B addative? Only other thing I can think of here. But I am not as smart on this stuff as many of the other people here. Hope someone can provide you more help!


I don't know if I would try to feed it right now. May be just a waste of time. Mine only ate when he was fully open.
You can never go wrong with a 10% water change.


Well he is at the front of the tank, towards the bottom half of him on the sand and half on some LR. Can't tell if he's attatched, but he is partly on the glass. Even thought his tentacles are very shriveled and he's puffed, the clown is lying right on top of him. I guess all I can do know is hope that he attatches and expands when the lights come on tomorrow....