need help with anemone


I have a 20g nano reef with 155w pc lighting. yesterday i bought a rose tip anemone for a very good price from a guy that is getting out of the hobby. In two week i am moving and will be setting up a 75g reef with MH lighting. This is my first anemone. What do i need to feed it and what are some signs when it is not doing well. do you think it well be ok until i can set up my 75g


New Member
dude u gotta research things before you buy them (this goes to everyone!!!) From what you said, the 75 gallon sounds good and would be perfect for the anemone. Feed the rose anemone squid 1-2 times a week. Anemones are not very hard as long as their needs are met so it should do really great in your tank. If the tentacles are shriveled and the mouth is not closed this generally means your not feeding it enuf or the lighting is not sufficient.