Need help with angel!


New Member
I have a Coral Beauty angel that has HLLE. The symptoms started months ago and I have tried several of the recommendation that I have researched. It has been fine and I have managed to keep it alive. But, now it will not eat. I have tried algea sheets and various frozen foods with vitamins. It's in a 55 tank and had been eating the flake food just fine. There is live rock in the tank and he use to pick at that a lot. With it not eating I fear that I will loose it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Welcome to the boards! Please post your exact water readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, sg, and temp. How long have you had the angel? Can you possibly post a picture of it? Do you notice any swelling around it's mouth? Have you tried fresh garlic on the foods? Please take a look at Beth's Common Treatments FAQ located at the top of the Disease and Treatment board. There is information there about HLLE and the uses of garlic and how to prepare it.


New Member
Thank You! Ammo. 0, SG 1.025, Temp. 77.1, Ph 8.2, Trite 0, Trate 0. I have had it for about two years. Yes, I have read Beth's info. Have not tried the fresh garlic recipe. I will try, but if I can't get it to eat it's favorite foods, what's the chances on this? Do they seem to like it better? No, there does not seem to be any noticeable swelling. All though, it stays under it's rock most of the time. It swims around the rocks sometimes but always ducking and diving and heads straight for it's rock if it gets scared. Everyone else in the tank seems fine.


New Member
No, not at all. Two, three days maybe! I'm not 100% sure he is not picking at the seaweed I have put in. But probably not. I two whole garlic cloves in my cupboard, do cloves of garlic go bad? They are not broken apart. This tank has been sooo stable for so long. It surprised me when this cropped up! All inhabitants have been together a long time and all get along well. So I question the stress factor.


Originally Posted by Divergirl8888
No, not at all. Two, three days maybe! I'm not 100% sure he is not picking at the seaweed I have put in. But probably not. I two whole garlic cloves in my cupboard, do cloves of garlic go bad? They are not broken apart. This tank has been sooo stable for so long. It surprised me when this cropped up! All inhabitants have been together a long time and all get along well. So I question the stress factor.
I understand that. It is not unheard of for this to happen though. If the garlic cloves are not growing sprouts then they are good. Give it a try.