Need Help With Black Moor Goldfish


Active Member
Hey all... A friend of my Husband's has had a Black Moor for over 5 years now, and became concerned a few weeks ago when he noticed a change in his fish... The fish appears to be healthy, eats normally, has normal stool, doesn't rub up against things in the tank, has normal breathing and swimming patterns.... but his color seems to be lightening. It almost looks as though it's turning from black to silver, beginning at the scalloped edges of the scales going inward.
I understand that goldfish can live a very long time - is it normal for their color to change? Could this be a result of malnutrition?
Any info would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
i think it is normal because i have a gold fish that went from gold to black, and i have had him for a while.


Active Member
I'm looking on a bunch of diffeernt goldfish sites... it seems that goldfish can change color DRASTICALLY according to what you feed them..... and that they also do this naturally in the wild.... there are pix of them going from all black to calico, from all red to bronze, from white to red.... it's very cool... but I can't really find anything about blacks turning silver. Oh well... I suppose we'll just have to keep an eye on the fish.

my way

Active Member
Growing up my dad built a fish pond for our house, every Black Moor we had turned a metallic gold, it would start at the bottom and work it's way up.


Active Member
Yay!! You guys and the research I've been doing confirm that the goldfish is doing what goldfish do. I'll let my friend know. Thanx y'all!