Need Help with Bristle Worms.


Ok I left them alone in the tank but I think there are just too many now. I think we must have at least 20 and grabbing them with tweezers is a art I stink at. What can we do to cut the number down a little? Does a Coral Banded shrimp eat these?


Active Member
First off, cut back on your feeding. Bristle worms multiply with the amount of excess food. The more you overfeed, the more bristleworms you will have.
Now to answer your question, yes Coral Banded Shrimp do eat bristle worms.


Active Member
Originally Posted by trainfever
First off, cut back on your feeding. Bristle worms multiply with the amount of excess food. The more you overfeed, the more bristleworms you will have.
Now to answer your question, yes Coral Banded Shrimp do eat bristle worms.
well said
also six line wrasse like to eat baby bristle worms.
but the fact is bristle worms will not multiply if there is not ample food for them. if they are getting out of hand there is too much food in the tank. period. there really isnt any way around that. sorry.


Well I had been cutting back on the amount I feed but I did want a little extra for the snails and crabs. Will the shrimp eat enough of the worm to kill it? And would the Coral banded shrimp get along with a Cleaner shrimp and maybe some Peppermints? Is there anything else that can be done besides cutting food supply, tweezers and shirmp/sixline wrasse?


Active Member
corsl bandeds are notoriously territorial the chances are they will not get along with your other shrimp. they might but no gaurantees. cutting back the food source is the BIGGEST step. every other measure pales by comparison. no joke. and dont woprry about making sure there is extra for your hermits and such apparantly since you have a bristle worm problem there is way more food than your hermits etcetera can consume.