Need help with buble mushroom


I have a 12 gallon aqua pod. I have not modded the lighting but i did take out all the media and make a sump.
I have yellow polyps, xenia and a few shrooms. Recently i purchased 2 bubble mushrooms. They seem to be stressed out and are shriveling. All my other corals are fine. Right now they are place low level in my tank with low flow. My other mushrooms are in the same spot and are green ricordea mushrooms.
Should i change there placement? if so to were?


Im assuming when u say "bubble mushroom" you DO mean ricordia...Feel free to place them in a different spot. Changing placement will intice some kind of reaction~!

I had a colony of tri color reg. mushrooms that looked "shrivled" for about a week and a half...then all-of-as-sudden looked great one day...