Need Help With Choosing Beginner Corals


Active Member
some nice beginer coral are zoo's come in many colors heres some of mine
then we have richordias and mushrooms
colt corals
xenia i dont have any of this GSP green star polyps
heres some pics of things u should be able to keep in your tank
in the bigger pic the big white coral is a colt coral then to the left of it the green wavy things is the GSP
there are many colors of things out there such as soft corals



Active Member
Awesome it just sounded like I had 3 diff corals and that's it. So Pc's aren't so bad I can keep quite a few things.


Active Member
yeah in the world of sofites theres a lot out there and some have very ncie coloring and in general are easier to keep
like these nice pink zoas
and these other ones that have different colors



Originally Posted by murph145
yeah in the world of sofites theres a lot out there and some have very ncie coloring and in general are easier to keep
like these nice pink zoas
and these other ones that have different colors
WOW! Those are great pictures - nice corals!!