need help with clownfish


Active Member
I am fairly new to this hobby and recently got a clownfish(can't remember exactly what kind offhand, it's yellowish with two white stripes) he was doing fine in the qt until about 4 days he's hiding almost all the time and won't eat. I managed to get a brief look at him this morning and it looks like he has blood around one of his gills. I'm testing my water later when I get home but last time I tested it the ammonia was 0, can't remember exactly what the other readings were (have them wrote down at home) but they were all in the "normal" range. Can anyone help me?


Active Member
it is in with a basslet and another clown..when I first introduced the newer clown everything was okay (after some initial chasing being done by the older, now sick, clown).They were allright for about a week, seemed to completely be leaving each other alone. Then he started hiding. I have a 29 gallon QT with plenty of hiding places. I don't have a digital camera so I can't post a pic. I looked on that thread but couldn't find anything that really looked like it. I swear awhile ago I read about something that causes blood around the gills in freshwater fish but I can't remember what it was!


did you check your water parameter it's very important if it's not aggression then it's can be bacterial infectionor other like Brooklynellosis (clownfish diseases)
and maybe you have problem with the water quality.
aggression also can exist in the tank and you need to watch .
it is very hard to guess but i think that the best thing now is to check the water parameter.
if you can please post that


New Member
I just got a Gold striped maroon clown on Saturday. He's been hiding in my live rock since. Well today I got a closer look at him and he has something on his head - its not really white spots like ich but they are white and they kinda stick up alittle. Well since I couldn't see the rest of him to see if its on the rest of him, I "fished" him out and put him in a glass fish vase so I could see better and try and get some pictures of him. I took about 20 but only 2 came out good enough to see what he has. Can anyone identify this and what do I need to do to help him??Oh yeah, here are my specs:
55 gallon corner tank
50 lbs live rock
cc base
2 damsels (blue w/ yellow tail & black and white striped)- I have been watching them closely and haven't bothered the clown at all, they stay in their area and the clown hides in teh rock.
coral banded shrimp
couple of turbo snails
Temp - 78
salinty is between 1.21-1.22 (on hydometer)
PH - 8.0
Ammonia - 0
Nitrites- 0
Nitrates - 10
