Need help with entire tank. I think its crashing. Please, please help!


New Member
Had a O. Clown that had lymph and then began looking poor in general. Used Melafix and Pimafix for 4 days w/ skimmer off. Kept good water flow to ensure there was plenty of oxygen but critters acted drunk (for lack of a better description) and the corals pulled in.
The clown died on Tuesday. =o( We did a 5 gal water change yesterday, cleaned up some of the sand and added phytoplankton. We thought all the critters and corals would flourish but, instead, some of the snails on the glass have hidden their head-part (like they did when we added Mela and Pimafix). I thought they'd be happier today but about half still have their head pulled in.
The mushroom has only a few "blooms" but looks really bad overall. The torch coral is completely pulled in except for one head. The other heads are pushing out some type of reddish/brownish jelly. The xenia and hammerhead look to be recovering fine.
Skimmer is going back in tomorrow. What should I be doing today? Should I do another 5 gal water change -- it's been aerating since yesterday? (We normally do a 10% change each week.) Should I add anything? I want the tank to look like it did before we began using the mela and pimafix. Please tell me what to do.
(Side note: We've now invested in a QT tank now that we've learned our lesson.)
Water paramaters:
ammonia - .25
ph - 7.8
nitrate - 0
nitrite - 0
80 degrees
The tank critters:
2 cleaner shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp (we haven't seen him picking on the corals)
4 nassarius snails
4 astreas snails
5 ceriths snails
2 Turbo snails
1 Blue Stripe (?) Mushroom
1 Torch Coral
1 Xenia
1 Hammerhead
20 gallon tall
2 x 65w pc
38lbs of live rock
aqua c remora hang on skimmer
fluval for flow and carbon


New Member
I should have mentioned that once the clown passed away, we stopped using melafix and pimafix cause we did feel they were affecting the corals.


New Member
Just finished the water change and turned skimmer back on. There's a little foaming at the top (from the melafix and pimafix) but its not overflowing so I imagine that's ok.
Should I be testing for anything over the next few days?
Some of the torch coral heads are turning into just skeletons. =o(