Need help with first coral


Active Member
Ok first off what supplements do i realy need to add or what r the main ones. I want to add like 2 supplements and then do water changes to avoid the rest.
Should i avoid getting a hammer for my first coral


Active Member
The salt you use for the aquarium is suffiient for the minerals and trace elements you need.
I only dose a little iodine a week, and of course calium to keep the level up.
Make sure you get a test kit for what you put in. Dont want an overdose.


Active Member
you need to dose trace elements and calcium
iodine and magnesium are recommended as well
The salt you use for the aquarium is sufficient for the minerals and trace elements you need.
not trying to start an argument but my salt io doesnt give me near as many trace elements as needed
Should i avoid getting a hammer for my first coral
yes start out slow and easy is your tank mature enough yet?
if your tank is mature enough then start out with polyps, mushrooms, and leathers

nm reef

Active Member
As far as suppliments go I'd suggest additives to establish and maintain levels of calcium and alkalinity. The additives are not as important as establishing and maintaining proper levels of calcium/alkalinity/ph/sg/temp....regular water changes will normally maintain adaquate levels of other trace elements.
In regard to a first coral selection...first I would let the reef become stable and insure it is mature...with the proper requirements for the corals you wish to add. Normally good starter corals are mushrooms/leathers/polyps...after they have been established and have remained healthy then I'd consider additional types of corals. Patience is a major benefit as is experience. Take your time and develope your reef'll be glad you did.:cool:


Active Member
The only reason i have patience is becuase i never have money so that slows me down alot:D
So the first supplements i should buy should be calcium and alk?
Is this a good deal calcium test kit by red sea, seachem reef plus, seachem reef calcium, seachem reef complete, Marc weiss coral vital, and reefscape phytoplankton for like $50 the marc weiss coral might not be in the deal. Do i need everthing that is hear or is there something that is not needed?
And i haev iodine

reef fool

Active Member

Originally posted by sandman12
The only reason i have patience is becuase i never have money so that slows me down alot:D

You will have much less $$ without patience!!
Just dose some B-Ionic ( calcium and Alkalinity) until you are able to maintain proper Ca and Alk. levels (400-450 Ca & 10-12 Alk.) It will also give you some trace elements. Forget all the other stuff. IMO, not necessary.
Although, one thing I did use for the first 3-4 months is Reef Vital DNA. It seemed to boost the growth of coralline algae. (No ill effects)