Need HELP with fish!!!


New Member
I have had my 46 gallon for about 10 months now. I have three fish, a foxface, a sohal tang and a maroon clownfish, all of them I have had for about 4 months. However, my foxface has been acting a little wierd the past few days. He has been hanging around the bottom practically "sitting" on the sand. He kinda sways back and forth. He has never done this until recently.
So I have just been keeping my on things for other behavior. Last night I notice he is down in the corner on the sand again. I decided to feed the fish but my Foxface didnt come up to eat. So I put the food right in front of him. Even tried algae sheets, which is his favorite, still didn't go after it. He got up and just swam around a bit. Then noticed he's kinda of disoriented by running into glass and some rocks. I turn lights off and my wife and I go to watch a movie. I notice there is some splashing so I go to check on them. The tang is ramming and biting at the Foxface. :scared: :mad:
So, naturally I freak out. I turn lights on and shoo the tang away. I just sat up a 10 gallon tank with mated true percs in it. My wife says to seperate fish by placing foxface in 10 gallon. I put net in to grab foxface, other fish scramble away, and foxface sits there and I just scoop him up, place him in 10 gallon. Today I notice he has ick real bad so I am going to use kick-ick, which I have used before and worked great! He is still not eating, going to try garlic. Any suggestions what to do? Sorry this is so long, just wanted to give as much info as possible. Please help!! Thanks!!


Active Member
he got that ick due to the fact that the tank is to small causing strss adn now you have moved him to a smaller tank.try to fix him in taht tank adn then get him to a bigger tank. He is sick he needs to be in a minimium of a 75g when healthy. What kind of tang do you have and foxface?


Active Member
the reason why the tang is acting the fox is b/c its fitching for its territory. Most tangs have to be kept in (i've read 60g) but i am a lil iffy bout that. Usually tangs are stuck in a 75 or larger. gonna have to get rid of one or the other or get a larger tank.


New Member
I have a Foxface Lo and a Sohal Tang. They have been in that tank together for about 4 months. I have had the Foxface for about 9 months. He is about 6 inches and my Tang is about 9-11 inches. I got the tang from a friend who has had his tank for about 9 years. He just doesnt have the time for it anymore so got rid of alot. But things have been fine up until the past few days. I know that the fish are big for the tank and that the Foxface is definitely WAY too big for the 10 gallon but didn't know what else to do. I'm sure that if I didn't seperate him from the tang she would have killed him last night. I am in the progress of getting a 220 gallon but that won't be for at least 4 more months.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbrockm1
the reason why the tang is acting the fox is b/c its fitching for its territory. Most tangs have to be kept in (i've read 60g) but i am a lil iffy bout that. Usually tangs are stuck in a 75 or larger. gonna have to get rid of one or the other or get a larger tank.


Active Member
See if your LFS will watch one of them until you get the 240. You have to separate one of thme. HOpe you the best of luck. I think teh tang will keep fighting for his territory. and the foxface will seem like he will keep geting sick.


You definately need the 240 for the Sohal, they get big, aggressive, and are very active swimmers. The 46 is not big enough for him even as a juvenile and it's iffy for the Foxface as well, they grow to about 9".


Active Member
The 46 is WAY too small for that sohal for 4 months if it's that big, it will most likely get ich from the stress. I would see if your LFS can hold it for you, if they can't I would probably get rid of it instead of stressing it out, JMO though. The foxface should be ok in the 46 for temporary if the sohal isn't there.


New Member
I know I need to get a bigger tank. It is something I am working on. We all figured things would be fine until then. We moved 1-1/2 months ago too a new place and we knew the rock work was going to change. We thought that would keep the whole territorial thing at ease for awhile. Anyways, the foxface is in the 10 gallon still has not eaten all day today and yesterday. Right now he is parallel with the tank walls next to heater. Not moving except for his gills. When I got home I thought he was dead. His body was arched, tail resting on rock and face on glass. Took a plastic spoon and kind of waded him off rock to see if he would move. Saw at least one fin move and he moved to back corner. Left an algae sheet in all day for him and hasnt touched it. I don't know what else too do!? Any advice? As far as the ick, I mentioned in an earlier post, I don't think he has any. My wife had called me at work to tell me that he does have it. But what she was seeing was damage caused by the tang. So he isnt stressed out because of tank size. For anyone who has had a foxface before, he is acting similar to the first few days you get. Except he is to disoriented to move away from objects. When I got him out of my 46 gallon last night with the net, it was easier than scooping a dead fish. He practically swam into it. He laid there on sand and I just kind of went under sand and lifted up. He didn't even try to move. Don't have any clue as what to do for him. I have a feeling he won't last the night. Thanks for all your help!


New Member
Well it is about 9:00 and went into room to check on him and he was drifting around and anemone got a hold of him. by the time i found something to detatch him from anemone, his whole right side was melting off. Alright well, not the way I wanted to solve my problem but its over with. You live and learn I guess. Thanks anyways!!