Need help with heat issues


As time goes on, Im more and more aware that this is a rich man's hobby... nonetheless, my metal halide units are keeping the temp in the tank somewhat high, thankfully summer is over, but I understand that next spring or summer, a solution to this will be required..
Chillers cost alot... has anyone here had good success just using the clip on electric fans that blow air on the water surface? I have a 36G bowfront, i was thinking of getting the 2-fan 9.5v unit and aiming that at the water under my MH....

nano reefer

Active Member
I have also avoided chillers myself... What you need to do is get a clip-on fan (Holmes makes a good one) and aim it so it blow over the surface of your DT. Then, if it gets really really hot where you live you should consider getting another fan and aim it directly at your sump. Also bring up your tank temp to around 82 degress, that gets rid of temp fluctuations which is what does the real damage to the fish stress-wise.


Fans really make a huge difference. You'll be amazed at how much they'll drop your temperature by evaporating water. Be prepared to top off much more often though, good luck!


How does a chiller work? From what I can tell, a low powered pump will pump water in it, how does it return to the tank?


While chillers are amazing, try not to put in the same room as the DT as they work against each other particularly if the room is small. I use to run a chiller in the room where my DT was and it would heat the room up to like 90+ degrees when it was 80 outside.
Fans are effective but can be noisy and personally I don't like seeing them on the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CGJ
How does a chiller work? From what I can tell, a low powered pump will pump water in it, how does it return to the tank?
My chillers external PH pump is enough to take water from the tank, into the chiller and then return to the tank.