Need help with ick!


d boy

My Powder Blue tang has ick, there is no way i can catch him in my tank with all the rocks and corals. Is there any good chemical out there to help with the problem that is reef safe. I'm trying Metronidazole right know.


Staff member
There are no reliable reef safe medications. If your tang has ich, than all of the fish in your tank have ich. All fish need to be treated.
Take a look at the post on ich in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.


Active Member
treat the entire tank asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for real! get all the live rock and corals, inverts out, takes less than an hr... it sux. but its the only way... i'm currently doing that

d boy

Well my Naso Died this morning, but all the other fish seem to be doing 100 times better, there is no visable ick. But im sure its still there, o'well !!


how big is your tank ? looks like you need a pretty large tank to keep a powder blue


i have had the same problem take out inverts iff possible drop ypur salinity to 10 do it very slow 2 days raise temp to 80 wait 20 to 25 days this will kill the ich it takes a min of 20 days raise your salinity up slow to about 19 add invertabres and keep it at 19 20 this is the safest and most natrual way do a 20 % water change about 10 days into this it will work ive doon it a few times