Need help with identifying.


New Member
This is my first saltwater tank, so please bare with me. In my 72 gallon, I only have a Snowflake eel, Blue damsel, and some crabs, along with about 80 lbs of live rock. I mainly feed shrimp and squid to the eel and I feed the damsel pellets. It has been set up for about 5 months now and tonight I noticed a white centipede creature in there. He was about an inch long and very fast moving. He was on the top of a rock one minute, then as I went for my camera, he started to move down the back side of the rock, so I did not get a picture of him. Anyone know what this could be?


Active Member
More than likely a bristle worm of some sort. Harmless. You likely have many more. They are good detrivores and will help clean up uneaten food.


there is a pretty good list of hitchhikers in the archives here. check out that thread.