need help with inverts

william c

i have a 125 gallon fo tank and rite now i just have one small niger trigger
my water is perfect even had the reef store double check ,' for some reason i can't keep cholate chip stars feather duster or any inverts alive for more than 2 days i aclimate them fine they do great for a couple days then just die for no reason i'm stumped the tanks been set up for six months and my fish do wonderful ..does anyone have a clue why my inverts die .


Active Member
check your calcium..same thing happende to me. Got my calcium back in check and my cleaner shrimp has been alive and cleaning


Active Member
Originally Posted by william c
my parmaters are nitrates o nitrites o ph 8.2 sg 21
SG21???? SG is ok but I would make it around .0023-.0024 and what are your calcium readings?? Thats probably your problem, not enough.