Need help with lighting for anemones.

I have a 29 gallon tank that came with a hood. The hood has a single light bulb that is across. I want to get an anemone but I don't know what kind of lighting I need. Will I be fine with a 50/50 bulb or do I need something else for the anemone to survive. Please Help


50/50 is not going to cut it, what type of anemone are you looking to get? With the unit you have your going to have to get lighting that is photosynthetic otherwise they will not last with anything less..


Originally Posted by cameraman954
I have a 29 gallon tank that came with a hood. The hood has a single light bulb that is across. I want to get an anemone but I don't know what kind of lighting I need. Will I be fine with a 50/50 bulb or do I need something else for the anemone to survive. Please Help
its not gonna cut it, look into power compact lights or t-5's.

small triggers

Active Member
2 or 4 bulb T5 HO's or even compact flourescents as long as you have anywhere from 3-5 watts per gallon, depending on what kind of anemone it is.....
and the reason we would need to know which kind of anemone is if it is an anemone which is more likely to be on the sand bed, you need a stronger kind of light to reach it, if it is just a bubble tip then you could do the CF's because it will be up high and can find a place it likes high enough on your rock work to get the light it needs....


Originally Posted by cameraman954
Doesn't really matter what anemone it is. As long as I have one. So then what would be my best bet?
different nems need different light. carpets need big light like MH's if you get PC or T-5 you could get a long tentacle, sebae, or bubble tip.


Originally Posted by cameraman954
I have a 29 gallon tank that came with a hood. The hood has a single light bulb that is across. I want to get an anemone but I don't know what kind of lighting I need. Will I be fine with a 50/50 bulb or do I need something else for the anemone to survive. Please Help
A lot depends on how many watts. More than likely the 50/50 bulb doesn't produce enough wattage, most 50/50 do not. I have a RBTA in a 14G with 1 10K 24watt daylight and 1 24watt actinic (which means nothing for an anemone or wattage but it's there). The anemone is doing great under this lighting.
Bubble tips don't need as much lighting as some other species (like the carpet) but they still need quite a bit.
Originally Posted by asharp13

ive been looking at doing this in a 5gal off shoot of my main established DT. would this be a good choice?
also, can you mix pink and green BTA's? will the different species of BTA's compete and sting eachother or is the main difference the strain of zooxanthellae growing in them?
That lighting might work, but I do suggest you go with a lighting fixture that has one full daylight and one full actinic rather than 2 50/50 bulbs. My 14G has a RBTA under the lighting I list right above this^
I have green and rose BTA's and they're fine together. My rose was about two feet away from my greens for months in my 155G, but now they're literally touching one another and are fine together. The clowns prefer it this way as well, now they have one big home rather than 3 little ones, LOL. The two greens have always been together without an issue with the rose away from it and still fine now that all three are almost in a cluster together.
As for lighting, 2 of the greens and one rose have seen T5HO's and MH's and have done fine under both. My other rose is in my BioCube under PC's and is also fine.


Originally Posted by cameraman954
I was thinking about getting a bubble tip. But again everyone is telling me something different
Welcome to one of the many joys of this hobby, LOL. I firmly believe that water quality is more important and this is why people have such differing views on how to care for them. For a long time anemones were "lighting, lighting and more lighting" and people were still having them die, even under MH's, but water quality varies from tank to tank.


ive been told by many people that MH are too much light for a BTA. i think it has a lot to do with the depth of your tank.


Originally Posted by asharp13
ive been told by many people that MH are too much light for a BTA. i think it has a lot to do with the depth of your tank.
You know, my BTA's did move a little when I changed to MH's, but they seem to have acclimated.