need help with live sand


New Member
I am in the S. CAli, los angeles area. Where are you guys getting your live sand from ? LFS? that'll cost a fortune.
Also, how does copper get into live sand?


You can get live sand from your LFS or order it on line. Both would be expensive.
Or like many of us you can look for playsand preferably aragonite playsand, if not that then the whitest silica sand that you can find.
Ah don't want copper in live sand. Nobody does, and I don't know why it would be in live sand.


Perhaps you need to bite the bullet on the sand cost... Remember, you don't need all live sand, not even a majority... Just find some that you deem rich in life, and add a few pounds... Or, look up ***delete*** on the net. They specialize in that sort of thing.
As for the introduction of copper into the home aquarium, there can perceivably be a multitude of ways. One being the use of aquarium medications that contain it, as it is a useful med in specific applications. And of the other methods, well, think about it... Sand from where?


New Member
Hi, I would like to change out my crushed corolite for the Live sand. My problem is that the tank has been up and running for a year now and I would not want to disturb it.
Does any one know of a way to add the sand without taking out all the live rock and my corals too?:notsure:
Many thanks in advance.:happyfish


Come on, just do it.
I did myself, and found after research on this board, that there's alot of suggestions, but no true easy way.
Save as much water as you can, as newly mixed water is an irritant. Just be gentle and decisive. lol


BTW Sorry about the link... I've seen them suggested before as a reference and thought nothing of it.


Welcome to the board.
Well then no doubt you vaccum your substrate. You can just syphon the substrate right out over time or when ever you can
or scoop it out by hand (which would be messy I would think)
Use a net or a larger hose to vaccum it out. I would also be very careful not to desturb the rockwork as it could come crashing down on you.
I personally would take the tank apart if possible, this way you can save most of the water that is in the tank and you can scoop all that junk out in one day.