need help with maroon quick!!!


Active Member
yesterday i saw that my maroon had ick on his face. and this morning when i was feeding he came out it looked like he was shedding skin and had ick on the skin. i have him in a 20 gallon and he is just 1 inch, a firefish goby, and a 1 1/2 inch diamond goby, 12 blue leg hermits, one scarlet hermit crab, and 2 turbo snails. and he is not swimming around the tank anymore. he is just staying under his rock where he sleeps. i have 20 lb live sand and 15 lb live rock which i will be adding more later on. water paraments are: ammonia 0.25, nitrate 0, ph 8.3, sg 1.024, temps are 76. i will be doing a water change later on today when i go to the lfs to get some water. i dont have a camera with me right now so i cant get a good picture of it. someone please help! i dont want him to die


Staff member
Is this a new fish? Take a look at the clowns with brooklynella in the Diseased Fish Thread at the top of this forum. Is that what you are seeing?


Active Member
it is not new i got him about 2-4 weeks ago. and when i got him he was really healthy but his tail was alittle bitten off but it grew back. he was fine until today. it looks exactly like that but just a lot less. and i noticed a little scratch and i can see a little pinkish red. he is breathing with his mouth open instead of closing and then opening again. thanks for replying beth. what can i do to treat him?


Staff member
It may be too late. You will need to treat using formalin. Read the post on formalin bathes in the FAQ Thread.
Do you have a QT?

the reef

i had ich on my blue tang and i read that there are many ways that your fish may be stressed if so try a air pump using an air pump will increse the ion echange by using bubles not to small of bubbles though will carry a lot of pathagens to the surface into the atmosphere and calming down the fish then use pro tech coat that is safe for reef this will help them relayer the film on their body becoming less resistant to ich


Staff member
I'm afraid that that is a bunch of nonesense. Where did you get that from?
Anyway, hyposalinity is the best treatment for ich. Did you check out the pictures I mentioned. Brooklynella will kill quickly so you must act now.


Active Member
i do have a QT but it is filled with 3 damsels i dont want in my tank since they messed up my gobies tail so i left them in there. that QT is bare bottom with one huge rock that was in my tank before but its not live rock. i havent checked the water paraments in that tank because the damsels im going to give to my friend who is setting up saltwater soon. and i do have formulin. my question is that can i move it to a bucket and then treat it with formulin in there for 45 minutes and then dump the water away and put back the maroon? and the thing i dont get reading your post was that "bathe for 45 minutes, everyother day, 3-5 treatments does that i mean i treat it 3-5 times a day? and a airstone that is deadicated to formalin bathes; can i use any kind of airstones? i just did a water change today about 2 gallons. water paraments are: ammonia 0, nitrate 0, salinity 1.024.
and i forgot that i ordered some cleaner shrimp and it is gonna come tomarrow. what should i do? i have another question, for ick i want to treat him in my qt with copper. if that ok? because i have relatives coming over and i want this tank set up and i want something that would work quick. not like 4-5 weeks


Active Member
anyone? well i just got him out a put him in a bucket with an airstone with 1 gallon of water. it was a pain. and now i see that my diamond goby and my fire goby are fighting so i have to give the diamond goby back to the lfs. well i had to move all the rocks i had to get him out is it ok to do that? and i dont see anymore of the "skin". but im treating it with formalin anyways.


Staff member
The formalin bath is one time a day, every other day, for 3-5 treatments. Not 3-5 threatments each day. Use an airstone for the bucket of water, but be sure that you use a deadicated bucket. If you have 2 airstones, use that.
Can you post a picture of the sick fish. Take the damsels back to the LFS, and use the QT for your clown. Does this fish also have ich? Did you look at the pictures in the Diseased Fish Thread to get a confirmation that this fish has brooklynella and ich??


Active Member
i did look at the pictures in that thread and it looked some what like it. i treated him this morning for 45 minutes and put him back in the tank and now he is fine. i dont see anymore of the brooklynella and the ick is gone from him. i cant get a good picture of him because he is really shy but ill try to get a picture. thanks a lot beth for helping me with this problem i can sleep tonight. thank you once again.


Staff member
If he had brook, you will need to continue the treatment as perscribed.


New Member
Originally Posted by feixjai
it is not new i got him about 2-4 weeks ago. and when i got him he was really healthy but his tail was alittle bitten off but it grew back. he was fine until today. it looks exactly like that but just a lot less. and i noticed a little scratch and i can see a little pinkish red. he is breathing with his mouth open instead of closing and then opening again. thanks for replying beth. what can i do to treat him?
I've had good luck with Garlic Extract. Soak food in it before you feed. Punches up fishes immune systems. (My Maroon clown had something similar)